Which Alfred Hitchcock associate are you most closely connected to?

+28 votes

Halloween makes us think of all things creepy and thrilling, including classic Alfred Hitchcock movies, so we're featuring him in the Connection Finder this week, alongside those who were part of his many movies.

Here are other Hitchcock associates to check your connection to: 

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WikiTree profile: Alfred Hitchcock
in The Tree House by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (776k points)
reshown by Chris Whitten

27 Answers

+18 votes
14 degrees from Anthony Perkins (8th cousins, 2x removed)
18 degrees from Mildred Natwick (15th cousins, 3x removed)
18 degrees from Jimmy Stewart (14th cousins, 2x removed)
19 degrees from Cary Grant
19 degrees from Edith Head
20 degrees from Joan Fontaine (13th cousins, 5x removed)
20 degrees from Tippi Hedren
20 degrees from Bernard Herrmann
20 degrees from Janet Leigh (28th cousins, 3x removed)
25 degrees from Roscoe Browne
33 degrees from Alfred Hitchcock
by Mike Wells G2G6 Pilot (149k points)
edited by Mike Wells
+18 votes

Ancestors and Cousins:

15 degrees - Anthony Perksins (9th cousins, 2x) - MRCA - George Watson
18 degrees - Jimmy Stewart (7th cousins, 3x) - MRCA - Anne (Pearson) Watson
18 degrees - Skye Sonczalla (15th cousins, 3x) - MRCA - Ralph Bowes
18 degrees - Mildred Natwick (16th cousins, 2x) - MRCA - John Danvers MP
21 degrees - Joan Fontaine (13th cousins, 4x) - MRCA - John Talbot KB KG
26 degrees - Janet Leigh (28th cousins, 2x) - MRCA - Knud (Svendsson) den Helige


20 degrees - Cary Grant
20 degrees - Edith Head
21 degrees - Tippi Hedren
21 degrees - Bernard Herman
33 degrees - Alfred Hitchcock
45 degrees - Roscoe Lee Brown

by Shonda Feather G2G6 Pilot (457k points)
+17 votes
15 degrees from Cary Grant. 15th cousin 2 times removed of ex-wife Betsy (Drake) Grant. MRCA Edward Neville (abt 1412 - 1476).

17 degrees from Mildred Natwick. 15th cousin 3 times removed. MRCA Mathew ap Ieuan (abt 1368 - aft 1419).

18 degrees from Bernard Herrman.

19 degrees from Edith Head.

19 degrees from Tippi Hedren. 15th cousin 2 times removed, through husband, of actress daughter, Melanie Griffith. MRCA Thomas ap Gruffudd (abt -1425 - abt 1474).

19 degrees from Anthony Perkins. 14th cousin 1 time removed. MRCA  Anne (Lovingcott) Hyde (1465 - 1523).

19 degrees from Jimmy Stewart. 16th cousin 3 times removed. MRCA John (Plantagenet) of Gaunt (abt 1340 - 1399).

20 degrees from Joan Fontaine. 11th cousin 6 times removed. MRCA Robert Corbet (1477 -1513).

23 degrees from Janet Leigh. 26th cousin 5 times removed. MRCA Gertrude (Billung) von Sachsen (abt 1030 - 1113).

33 degrees from Alfred Hitchcock.

45 degrees from Roscoe Browne.
by Frank Blankenship G2G6 Pilot (144k points)
+16 votes

22 degrees from Joan Fontaine 

by Roy Tonkin G2G Astronaut (3.9m points)
+15 votes
My closest connection is 19 degrees from Joan Fontaine.

My spouse is 19 degrees and also an 8th cousin once removed from Virginia Cherrill Martini, the wife of Cary Grant.

I am 20th cousin and 20 degrees from Virginia Cherrill Martini, wife of Cary Grant - which makes me 21 degrees from Cary Grant.

All my other connections are 20 degrees or higher.
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+16 votes
17 degrees from Cary Grant (but no relationship), followed by Joan Fontaine, Anthony Perkins (8th cousins, once removed) and Jimmy Stewart at 18 degrees.
by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
+14 votes
17 degrees from Tippi Hedren.  Mildred Natwick and  Anthony Perkins are 9th cousins, twice and once removed.
by Steve Ryan G2G6 Mach 8 (88.2k points)
+12 votes

I am most closely connected to Mildred Natwick at 15 degrees of separation.

by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
edited by Tommy Buch
+14 votes
I am most closely connected to James Stewart at 21 degrees.
by Samantha Thomson G2G6 Pilot (279k points)
+19 votes
7 degrees from Mildred Natwick, who is my 2nd cousin, twice removed.  Milly was my grandmother's second cousin and near her in age; she used to come to visit my grandmother, her mother (Milly's cousin, once removed), and her grandmother (Milly's grand aunt, and younger sister of Milly's maternal grandfather) on the farm in Wisconsin when both Milly and my grandmother were girls.    

More cousins from this group:

Jimmy Stewart--7th cousins, once removed

Anthony Perkins--9th cousins, once removed

Joan Fontaine--11th cousins, 3 times removed

Janet Leigh--28th cousins, 3 times removed
by Cheryl Cruise G2G6 Pilot (192k points)
Adding a comment to say that my partner selected my answer as "the best" but for some reason it is showing as my name rather than his, perhaps because we share an internet connection.  Earlier, it showed that Shonda Feather selected it as best, but that designation then dropped, I'm not sure why.  (Still rather new to "best answers.")

Also, hoping to add some photos of Milly at the farm, visiting her Dawes and Barker relatives, including my grandmother.
I'm choosing it again.

That is weird! I did choose it as the best answer. I don't know who or what removed the star I gave you. surprise But I'm glad Sean chose to give it back to you!

+14 votes
19 degrees from Mildred Natwick (9th cousin, twice removed) and 19 degrees from Anthony Perkins (15th cousin, 4 times removed)

More cousins:

Jimmy Stewart--13th cousin, twice removed

Joan Fontaine--14th cousin, 6 times removed

Janet Leigh--29th cousin, twice removed
by Sean Delius G2G6 Mach 4 (46.5k points)
+13 votes
Anthony Perkins is just 12 steps -- a 5th cousin once removed. Who knew? We share "Hudson Valley Dutch" ancestry (New Netherland descendants).
by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
+13 votes
My connections to most of these Hitchcock associates are remote.  The only relatively close kinship is Anthony Perkins at 8th cousins twice removed; we have quite a few other shared ancestors further back.
by K. Anonymous G2G6 Pilot (149k points)
edited by K. Anonymous
+13 votes
Antghony Perkins 8c1r
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (393k points)
+15 votes

Ancestors and Cousins:

17 degrees - Anthony Perkins (16th cousins, 1x) - MRCA - Margaret (Hay) Hay Countess of Angus (abt.1404-aft.1484)

18 degrees - Mildred Natwick (19th cousins, 1x) - MRCA - Richard (FitzAlan) de Arundel (abt.1314-1376).

19 degrees - Jimmy Stewart (11th cousins) - MRCA - Marion (Cuninghame) Cunninghame (bef.1521-aft.1605)

20 degrees - Joan Fontaine (10th cousins, 4x) - MRCA - William Duke (abt.1525-abt.1570).

22 degrees - Janet Leigh (very distant cousins) - MRCA - Gertrude (Billung) von Sachsen (abt.1030-1113).


20 degrees - Cary Grant

21 degrees - Tippi Hedren

21 degrees - Bernard Herman

22 degrees - Edith Head

33 degrees - Alfred Hitchcock
46 degrees - Roscoe Lee Brown

by Mack Morrison G2G6 Mach 8 (83.9k points)
+15 votes
  • Alfred Hitchcock - 35 degrees
  • Roscoe Lee Browne - 27 degrees
  • Joan Fontaine - 16th cousins three times removed, 22 degrees
  • Cary Grant - 20 degrees
  • Edith Head - 21 degrees
  • Tippi Hedren - 22 degrees
  • Bernard Herman - 21 degrees
  • Janet Leigh - "very distant cousins", 22 degrees
  • Mildred Natwick - 16th cousins three times removed, 16 degrees
  • Anthony Perkins - 9th cousins three times removed, 19 degrees
  • Jimmy Stewart - 21st cousins four times removed, 19 degrees

Here's a little creaky story:
While working on this answer, especially when I was almost done, I kept hearing an annoyingly loud creaking.
I lifted my head up and saw I had fallen half-asleep.
The creaking noise? It was my glasses on the table, creaking in protest with each breath. Wanting to finish this, but not trusting myself, I took them off to type this. Now I can creak off to bed.

by Jennifer Fulk G2G6 Mach 6 (62.8k points)
+15 votes
My closest connection is with the man himself! Its not genetic, but my great-grandmother Christel Dunn was Hitch's personal chef for about 30 years.
by Summer Seely G2G6 Mach 1 (15.8k points)
edited by Summer Seely
+13 votes
by Jennifer Robins G2G6 Pilot (279k points)

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