Joseph Bowes - Born 1766 in Durham, England, Died in Canada

+4 votes

Hi there,

I'm looking for some help with solving a family mystery.  Maybe you can help?

My grandmother claimed we had blue blood.  'Said we were related to the Queen Mother.  The story goes that our distant relative did something they shouldn't have and was given the option of going to jail or going to Canada.

I'm curious to know if there is any truth to the story.

Here's what I know for sure:

My Grandmother's maternal great-great-grandfather was Joseph Bowes. 

Birth -  09 Jan 1766 in Auckland, Durham, England
Death - 09 Mar 1848 in Bayham, Elgin, Ontario, Canada

Here's what I believe, but don't have documentation for:

- Father:   William Bowes.  Born 1733.
- Paternal Grandfather:  Joseph Bowes.  Born 1700.  Died 17 Feb 1763 in Bowes, Yorkshire, England
- Mother:   Elizabeth Raylton.  Born 1744.

Here's my family tree:

I'd greatly appreciate any help or advice.  Thx

Ean Jackson
Vancouver, Canada

in Genealogy Help by
England Births & Chrisenings has this entry for a Joseph Bowes:
Thank you, Ron!

I should point-out that one of my close pals is named Joseph Bowes.  He was alerted to this question by Google Alerts this morning.  

I've bet him a beer we are somehow related and challenged him to join me in the quest as a wikitree collaborator.  I'll buy you a beer, too, if you can help connect the dots between either the Queen Mom or Joseph and me  :-)

1 Answer

+1 vote
I just signed-up to WikiTree and imported the GEDCOM from  I hope that makes it easier to collaborate
by Ean Jackson G2G Rookie (230 points)

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