The Loyalists of New Brunswick by Esther Clark Wright - what do these numbers mean?

+6 votes

In The Loyalists of New Brunswick, Esther Clark Wright has a multi-page list of the Loyalists who actually resided in New Brunswick.  I dug my (autographed!) copy out tonight to help answer a G2G question, and found myself wondering what the numbers after the names meant.  I didn't find a key.  An example can be found here:

Some names have no numbers, but several have 95, several have 85, one 90, one 96 one 99 etc--and some have 23 or 6.  They aren't page numbers as an index to where the names might be found in the body of the work.  I wondered if they were shorthand for years: 1785, 1799, 1823, 1806...but i don't know what the significance would be, census-like lists?  Years the families got their land grant settled?

Please enlighten me!



PS - i can do lookups if anyone needs that...

in Genealogy Help by Shirlea Smith G2G6 Pilot (294k points)

1 Answer

+10 votes
Best answer
According to the index on page 254, the colums are, left to right " the names of heads of families or single men over 18, their former homes, their service during the Revolution, their first grants, their subsequent grants/residence".

The numbers after names may be ages as of some date, possibly 1783. The numbers in brackets are to distinguish people with the same name in the same household. "Co.6" means "Company 6".
by Aaron Gullison G2G6 Pilot (197k points)
selected by A. Creighton

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