How do I add a Loyalist tag to a profile?

+6 votes
How do I add a "Loyalist" tag to this profile?

Feel free to do it for me if you want. That would be very helpful. Thank you
WikiTree profile: Benjamin Elston
in Genealogy Help by Anonymous Wasson G2G6 (7.2k points)
BTW, based on the source referenced on the profile, i think his family name is Elston, not Nelson nor Nelston.
Thank you. I've corrected this.

1 Answer

+5 votes
If you want to add a Loyalist sticker: {{United Empire Loyalist}}

If you want to add a category, you'd probably choose New_Brunswick_United_Empire_Loyalists.
by Richard Hill G2G6 Pilot (103k points)
I've added it.

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