I need to match Bormann-112 and Bormann-322 and it will not let me

+4 votes
I have tried to merge and it tells me they are not a match but I know they are.  Bormann-112 is from someone else's tree but is related to my family.
in WikiTree Help by Michele Fraser G2G Crew (520 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer
The 'other PM' is on WikiTree today.  Try sending her a PM instead of a merge request.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
selected by Dieter Lewerenz
Got mixed up with the profile managers, sorry.  The 'other manager' you referenced in your question has not been on WikiTree since 1 June.  Try sending him a Private Message instead of a merge request detailing why you think these two are the same, and what sources support this.

Go to his profile page and you will see a text link saying 'send private message'.

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