Carol Wilder is a Wonderful WikiTreer

+10 votes

I just wanted to say thank you to Carol, who has been working on the profile for Henry Downs Sr. and making improvements. What I really appreciate about her work is her careful attention to detail. She encourages a high standard of genealogical proof with the special quality of not ruffling the feathers of other researchers. This profile in particular has thorny issues, a dispute over his spouse, a dispute over his dates, and tons of false and uncritically perpetuated lore present from online family trees. Thanks, Carol, for your hard work!

WikiTree profile: Carol Wilder
in Appreciation by Beverly Diaz G2G6 Mach 4 (42.7k points)
Beverly, Thank you for the complement.  I am interested in presenting the facts as known, and there are more records that I hope to add to Henry Downs Sr.  I am a descendant of Henry Downs Jr. twice as his daughter Jane Downs married John Robinson and they had a son Thomas Robinson who married his first cousin Jane Downs, daughter of Samuel Downs, son of Henry Downs Jr. and brother to Jane Downs Robinson.  Thomas Robinson and Jane Downs Robinson are my 4th great grandparents.  Henry Downs Sr. is my 7th great grandfather.

2 Answers

+6 votes
Congratulations on your WW award, Carol. That was really a good work you did on the mentioned profile.

Thank you Beverly for recognizing Carol as a Wonderful WikiTreer.
by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.2m points)
+5 votes
Thank You Carol for accurately enhancing Henry's profile. Objectivity is not always easy. It's interesting that you are related in two different ways I wonder how many others have a similar situation in their past.

Beverly, Thank You for telling us.
by Marty Franke G2G6 Pilot (805k points)

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