Samuel Lothrop reaches 20 million in 20 circles

+13 votes

To those of you familiar with the 100 Circles project, the name of Samuel Lothrop surely rings a bell. He's been from the beginning of our research the profile with the most impressive circles numbers.

Today he crushed a new record : the number of profiles within its 20 first circles has passed 20 million. That means : over 20 million of profiles are at distance 20 or less from Samuel Lothrop. That is over 75% of connected profiles!

Check your distance! You are probably among those ... Mine is 18 (thanks to my wife ... otherwise it would be 27).

Some active WikiTreers are direct descendants, only at distance 10 from Samuel Lothrop. Random example : Many members of the 20 circles are yet to be born ... until the 23th century ...

[updated figures as of July 2023 : CC20 over 23M,  CC18 over 20M]

WikiTree profile: Samuel Lothrop
in The Tree House by Bernard Vatant G2G6 Pilot (176k points)
edited by Bernard Vatant
How many of the connections are living profiles?

How many of the connections are from each country?
I have no tool to answer such questions. Maybe Shawn (Ligocki) or Ales would be able to. But you can check Click "Descendants summary", then "Show all" to get the full stats. Only 28532 descendants, up to generation 15.

21 Answers

+9 votes
18 for me, too - from England to the US and back to England.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
+9 votes
16 for me.
by N Gauthier G2G6 Pilot (300k points)
+8 votes
12 for me. I'm descended from his sister in law.
by Stu Ward G2G6 Pilot (148k points)
+7 votes

18 degrees from me on my father's side, by an emigrant in my fifth circle. 23 degrees from me on my mother's side, by an emigrant in my seventh circle.
by Eva Ekeblad G2G6 Pilot (583k points)
+7 votes
17 degrees – 6 branches (2-6-1-2-3-4)
by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
edited by Tommy Buch
+7 votes
14 degrees for me.
by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
+9 votes
10 for me. He is an 8th great grandfather.
by George Fulton G2G6 Pilot (658k points)
Excellent! To follow up Tommy Buch's comment above, I would be curious to know how many 10th generation descendants we have among WikiTreers.
I am another descendant 10 gen and 11 gen.

There must be large batch of direct descendants, I counted 874 lines that descend beyond 5 gens from Sam
Welcome to the club, Toby!
What proportion of these close relatives of Samuel Lothrop are in North America?  (They all seem remote from me!)
@Geoffrey : Of course the first circles of Samuel Lothrop are mostly Northern Americans. But 20 circles are not "close relatives". You are at distance 20, I'm at 18, we are not Northern Americans. All this seems normal.
+8 votes
13 for me, I’m quite surprised to be so close!
by Kathie Forbes G2G6 Pilot (894k points)
+8 votes
My DH is 15 degrees from Samuel, through New England connections, McCollum-511
by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (762k points)
+8 votes
15 degrees!
by Nan Starjak G2G6 Pilot (387k points)
+7 votes
17 degrees to Samuel ! Through both my French and English ancestors by marriage. C'est Bon ..
by Stanley Baraboo G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
+6 votes
by Leif Biberg Kristensen G2G6 Pilot (214k points)
+6 votes
12 Degrees, I’m his 9th great grandniece.
by v. Wilson G2G6 Mach 2 (23.2k points)
+6 votes
15 for me--New England to England.
by David McNicol G2G6 Mach 5 (54.0k points)
+6 votes
I'm at 12 degrees. The connection is through the wife of one of my uncles.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (330k points)
+6 votes
12 for me, i'm a decendent of his sister Jane
by Jennifer Robins G2G6 Pilot (265k points)
+6 votes

11 degrees here. Samuel Lothrop is my 8th gr grand uncle; I'm a direct descendant of Jane Lothrop and Samuel Fuller- and so is LDS founder Joseph Smith Jr.- that Mayflower+LDS lineage surely factors into how highly connected Samuel Lothrop is on the main tree. Samuel's father, Rev John Lothrop is estmated to have well over 3 million living descendants. You can see Rev Lothrop's personal Bible on display at the Sturgis Public Library, which was built incorporating part of the 17th century parsonage. Sturgis is a gem for researchers, and the Cape Cod setting is hard to beat!

by Anonymous Reed G2G6 Pilot (186k points)
edited by Anonymous Reed
+4 votes
13 degrees... through his wife.
by Robert Clark G2G6 Pilot (964k points)
+4 votes

I'm his 12th great-grandaughter, so 13 degrees blush

by Molly Reppen G2G6 Mach 1 (18.3k points)
+4 votes
22 degrees if I ignore a dubious marriage between a man in Cornwall and a woman in Connecticut.
by Geoffrey Tobin G2G6 Mach 2 (27.1k points)

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