How can I find information about my Great grandfather other than public records

+5 votes
I have spent hours looking for anything I can find on my Great Grandfather Roy Lucious Jones 32567. I havent been able to find much more than DOB, Place of birth,his 3 children, & his wife with no maiden name. I am a newbee at this but dedicated. Now I'm just very frustrated. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to find out more about his life, occupation,any licenses he may have had etc.
WikiTree profile: Jones-32567
in Genealogy Help by Yvonne Crapo G2G1 (1.2k points)
retagged by Keith Hathaway
His profile is set on red and the details don't show.  You might want to open the privacy level so others can see the details. Also, it would be helpful to post the few records which can be found on Family Search for his daughter Phyllis, specifically the 1930, 1940 censuses, her marriage record, death record and the Social Security death record.  When you have those you can move up to him.  It's not easy to trace Jones-named people so try to get the obvious records out of the way and that could help you to develop a good base to begin your search.  Good luck!
Jacky, Not sure what the link is supposed to be, but it takes me to a search for marriage records in Pennsylvania Counties for Roy Jones, b. Arkansas, with no results. Is this waht you intended?
that is wierd Vic I did a search for Roy Jones In Arkansas with the Dob 1892 something must have crossed with my previous search

4 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
Census data tells you where he lived, occupation, parents origin, if he was a veteran.  Church and Cemetary records can expand on this and confirm what you have, military records and pension records flesh out the individual even more.  Keep plugging away and looking for those documents.

DNA opens up new avenues of research and gives you an eye into your deeper origins too.
by Brett Bayely G2G6 (8.8k points)
selected by Mags Gaulden
+1 vote
WW1 Draft Registration Card,1917-1918

Roy L. Jones born Emmet Arkansas Jan 9 1892,Emmet in Hempstead County.


WW2 Draft Registration Card,Date birth slightly different,Jan 9 1893,Emmett

Arkansas.Closest relative B.D. Jones.By 1942 address Route 1, Eldorado,Union

by Wayne Morgan G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
+1 vote
1920 Census R.L. Jones ,Wife Laura Jones,Hempstead Arkansas.His father born


Roy L. Jones,his father William H. Jones

You will find William H. Jones and son Roy L. in 1910 CENSUS,hEMPSTEAD

by Wayne Morgan G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
+1 vote
William H. Jones married Elnora Hicks Aug 27 1876, Hempstead,Arkansas.

Arkansas  County Marriages 18327-1957.

He was 26,she was 16.

Arkansas Death Index, William H. Jones died Nov 27 1929,Nevada County


Find A Grave Memorial # 53896046

Elnora Hicks Jones 1860-1898
by Wayne Morgan G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)

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