Slovakia - 1930 Census images online

+19 votes

I just wanted to make sure that others with recent Slovak ancestors are aware that some of Slovakia's (Czechoslovakia's) 1930 Census is now available freely online in image form on, which hosts various cultural collections. They've estimated that the 1930 Census collection will be complete in Q1 2022. Their website says that the total number of sheets to be made available to the public is 623,000. I'm currently seeing 388,533. 

Here is a link to the records: 1930 Slovakia Census on Slovakiana

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be indexed/searchable beyond the municipality (unless I'm overlooking something). So it's much easier for those of us with ancestors from smaller municipalities as it seems you're going to have to go through the records page-by-page.

If you don't understand Slovak, just click on the English language flag near the top right. So far, the easiest way I've found to search for census records is to search for the village/municipality's name in the website's general search bar at the top. When the results come up, click on Advanced Search on the left, then click on Categories > Add Category + and then narrow it down to the census records only by selecting "Sčítacie hárky" and clicking Add (to the right). The results will reload, and at the top left of the results, it will tell you how many sheets are available to go through. Then it's a page-by-page thing. For more info on how their searches work, see their Help page.

in The Tree House by Anne Svihra G2G5 (5.7k points)
retagged by Maggie N.
Thank you  for this information. i started working on my dad`s side. His parents  came to the usa in the 20`s. it is hard to do his side because each generation  has the same name. Even some of the wives. lol   CRAZY
Mary, my family is the same with the names. It can get confusing at times!

Here are translations I worked out (to the best of my ability) for the census form for us English-speaking folks: 

Politický okres = Political district

Obec = Municipality/Village

Osada (mestská štvrť) Settlement (city district)

Miestna časť (t. j. časť  obce oddelene ležiaca, ktorá má vlastný názov) Local part/Neighbourhood? (i.e. the part/section of the municipality lying separately, which has its own name) 

Číslo domovné = House number

U väčších obcí a miest = For larger municipalities and cities

*ulica alebo námestie = street or square

*číslo orientačné (v ulici, na námestíreference number (in the street, on the square)

Meno majiteľa domu (názov ústavu) = Name of the owner of the house (name of the institute)

Radové číslo = Serial number

1) bytu = apartment

1a) osôb v dome = persons in the house

2) Priezvisko (meno rodinné) = Last name (family name)

(viď návod § 1.) = (See instructions §/Section 1.)

3) Meno (krstné alebo rodné) = Name (first or given)

4) Príbuzenský alebo iný pomer k prednostovi domácnosti = Relative or other relationship to the head of the household

(viď návod § 2.) = (See instructions §/Section 2.)

5) Pohlavie či mužké či ženské = Gender or male or female

6) Deň mesiac a rok narodenia = Day month and year of birth

7) Rodinný stav | či slobodný (-á), ženatý (vydavá), ozdovelý (-á), rozvedený (-á), rozlúčený (-á) | mimo toho u detí do dokon. 14 roku tiež či je úplná sirota alebo sirota po otcovi či po matke. Marital status | or single, married, ornate/fancy?, divorced, parted/separated? | in addition, in children to perf.? 14 years also whether there is a complete orphan or an orphan after the father or the mother.

žien, ktoré sú alebo boly vydaté = In women, who are or have been married

(viď návod § 3.) = (See instructions §/Section 3.)

8a) u všetkých: datum posledného sňatku = for all: date of last marriage

b) mimo toho: u ovdovelých datum ovdovenia u rozvedených a rozlúčených datum rozvodu alebo rozluky = in addition: for widows, date of widowhood, for divorced and separated, date of divorce or legal separation

Počet detí narodených v poslednom manzelstve = Number of children born in the last marriage

9) všetkých žive narodených = of all live births

10) z nich zomrelo = of them died

11) Rodisko = Birthplace

a)  rodná obec = native municipality/village

b) polit. okres. = political district

c) krajina = country

Jestliže sčitaný nebýva v obci pobytu od narodenia = If the enumerated does not live in the village of residence from birth

(viď návod § 4.) = (See instructions §/Section 4.)

12) kedy sa prisťahoval = when he immigrated

13) odkiaľ sa prisťahoval = where he immigrated

a) obec = municipality/village

b) polit. okres = political district

c) krajina = country

14) Štátna príslušnosť, u čs. štátnych prislušnikov mimo toho tiež domovská príslušnosť (obec, polit. okres, krajina) = Nationality, for Czechoslovak nationals also home affiliation (municipality, political district, country) 

15) Národnosť (materinsky jazyk) = Language (mother tongue)

(viď návod § 5.) = (See instructions §/Section 5.)

16) Náboženské vyznanie (cirkevná príslušnosť) alebo bez vyznania Religion (church affiliation) or without religion

(viď návod § 6.) = (See instructions §/Section 6.)

17) Znalosť čítania a písania len u osôb starších 6tich rokov či vie čitať i pisar alebo len čitať alebo nevie ani čitať ani pisať = Knowledge of reading and writing only for people over 6 years of age, can read and write, or just read, or can neither read nor write

Povolanie = Occupation

18) druh povolania = kind of occupation

a) hlavné povolanie = main occupation

b) vedľajšie povolanie = secondary occupation

c) ev. ďalšie vedľajšie povolanie = ev.? another secondary profession

(viď návod § 7.) = (See instructions §/Section 7.)

19) postavenie v povolaní = professional status

a) hlavnom = main

b) vedľajšom = secondary

c) ev. ďalšom vedľajšom = ev.? another secondary

(viď návod § 8.) = (See instructions §/Section 8.)

20) bližšie označenie závodu a miesta závodu (podniku, úradu), v ktorom sa vykonáva hlavné povolanie = details of the plant/workplace and the location of the plant/workplace (undertaking office) in which the main occupation is pursued

(viď návod § 9.) = (See instructions §/Section 9.)

21) Či je sčitaný v obci prítomný trvale alebo len dočasne = Whether the individual is present in the munipality/village permanently or only temporarily

(viď návod § 10.) = (See instructions §/Section 10.)

22) Jestliže dočasne, nech uvedie svoje riadné bydlisko = If temporarily, let him state his/her usual residence

a) obec = municipality/village

b) pol. okres = political district

c) krajina = country

(viď návod § 10.) = (See instructions §/Section 10.)

23) Telesné vady = Body defects

či sčítaný je slepý na obe oči. hluchý, nemý, hluchonemý, či nemá ruku alebo nohu = whether the individual is blind to both eyes, deaf, dumb, deaf-mute, or has no arm or leg

(viď návod § 11.) = (See instructions §/Section 11.)

24) Poznámka Note

Hi, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but when I searched for the village I wanted(Unin, Skalica) it showed up Scitaci harok 850/752, so I clicked on it, but it only showed two images?? Could someone be so kind as to explain why there aren't more images? Thanks alot!
Hi Tim! Try searching using the Slovak spelling (with the accent on the "i"): Unín. That should return 338 results. Then, if you let your browser auto-translate, it can be further narrowed down by selecting Cultural Objects > Categories > + > "Addition sheets" > Add. (If you didn't auto-translate, click on Kulturne Objekty > Kategorie > + > Scitacie harky > Pridat.) Now it should show the census records only (286).
Oh Anne, thank you! It worked! I found my ancestors!
You're welcome! Great!
Every time this comes up, I go to the site to try to find my family.  Perhaps I just have bad luck, but I can't find anything for:

Červenica (Presov), Boliarov, Rankovce, Zavar, or the Ružinov section of Bratislava.  I do get a result for the latter, but it is not the correct location.  When I entered the Petržalská section of Bratislava, I had quite a number of images show up.  Unfortunately, this does not help me. Can someone verify that I'm not doing something wrong?  I did search with the diacritical marks as suggested.  Thank you in advance.

6 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer

Thanks for posting this information, Anne! I didn't know smiley

by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
selected by Susan Laursen
I didn't either until yesterday afternoon! I just stumbled upon it while researching other family things and when I saw nobody had mentioned it on G2G, I had to share it right away. I'm already so thrilled with what I've found.
+7 votes
What an amazing resource! Thank you again, Anne
by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+5 votes
Didn't know about this. Thanks! Can't wait to check it out.

Karen Norton
by Karen Kosturko G2G Crew (350 points)
You're welcome! Hope it helps you!
+5 votes
This is awesome, Anne.  Thank you so much!
by Nan Starjak G2G6 Pilot (386k points)
You're welcome!
+5 votes
Hello! You were so helpful with my last question, I thought I would be so bold to ask another :) I found my ancestors living in the village of Unín,Trnava, Slovakia, in 1930 at house number 228. I confirmed it was them with the church records available on I even emailed the church to get more documentation on them. The church records say that they lived in house number 227. But on the census there is no house number 227. Why is that??
by Tim Flajzik G2G4 (4.9k points)
It was fairly common for a village or town to re-number the houses.
+5 votes
What a great find. I am not fluent by any means, but I know enough slovak to get around. I am, however, having no luck finding anything. My family are all from the Trebišov region, and the main town most are from I know has had many name changes. Today it is Novosad, when my direct line lived there it was Bodzas Ujlak. I believe in 1930 it was Ujlak. When I put this in the search, a single page comes up (1019/604) and no others. the other towns, Kysta, Zemplinsky Brancs, show up not at all. What am I doing wrong?
by Kara Baylog G2G Crew (350 points)

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