Nan Starjak is a Wonderful WikiTreer

+9 votes

Tommy Buch and I thank you for giving up your weekend for the Connect-a-thon.
Your work was vital to the team and Our Shared Tree.

Go Southern Super Sweepers Go!

You absolutely Rocked this Thon out, Thank you!

WikiTree profile: Nan Starjak
in Appreciation by Loretta Corbin G2G6 Pilot (250k points)
Congratulations Nan for recognition a wonderful treasure

Thank you Loretta for sharing this
Our teammates keep coming back year after year, we must be doing something right. :)

Thank you Susan!

2 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
Congratulations on your WW award, Nan. Thank you for all you did for the Super Sweepers during the Connect-a-Thon.

Thank you Loretta for recognizing Nan as a Wonderful WikiTreer.
by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.2m points)
selected by Susan Laursen
+6 votes
Thank you so much, Loretta!  Love our team!
by Nan Starjak G2G6 Pilot (393k points)
We do have a wonderful team! Thank you for being part of it.

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