Shared Photo: Lillian Worth Giles and extended family

+7 votes

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This photo is in my husband's family collection. I'm dating it as 1906 because I know who the baby is. It was most likely taken in Massachusetts, perhaps on Nantucket. I hope some folks can help me identify more of the people in the photo; sorry it isn't as clear as I'd hoped. The woman in the center holding a baby is Lillian Worth Giles. The child is Arabelle Giles, her daughter. Her son, Leonard, is the boy at the bottom left. Lillian's husband, Herbert Noel Giles, is to her immediate right. We do not know who the rest are, but I suspect they are from the Worth side. I think it's a good bet that the man at the top right is Lillian's father, Charles William Worth, and that the other two men are her brothers, Harrison Myrick Worth and William Frederick Worth. I wonder if the woman sitting to her left is her mother, Eliza Myrick Worth. The other women and children could be the brothers' wives and children. William married Mary B. Coffin, and Harrison married Alice Farnham. I hope this photo will be useful to someone's research, and that we can identify everyone in the photo eventually.
Click here for the image details page.

WikiTree profile: Lillian Giles
in Photos by Christine Giles G2G6 Mach 1 (12.3k points)
retagged by Christine Giles

1 Answer

+7 votes
Beautiful photograph. I love the clothing they are wearing. Looks like they are dressed in their Sunday best for the picture! Thank you for sharing this!
by Michael Smith G2G6 Pilot (214k points)

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