Can you check the Trenton Prisoners List for a Conrad Ochs (English name is Axe)?

+4 votes
Conard (Conrad) Axe is a direct line ancestor who died in 1804.  He was a baker who lived in Frankford, Pa (now part of Philadelphia).  An article about life in Frankford in the 1830s mentions his son John's family.  "The Axes were the first people to sell pies and cakes.  They were Hessians who came to America during the Revolutionary War."  Axe is not a German name.  I believe "Ochs" may be the original German.  Some Hessian prisoners were kept at the church in Frankford where Conrad was later an elder.  I'm wondering if he was one of the men captured at Trenton.
in Genealogy Help by anonymous G2G Rookie (290 points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

1 Answer

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I checked the printed list (citation below) for your Conrad Ochs or Axe and there is no one by that name.  There is a Johannes Ochse, so you might want to add that spelling variation to your searches. 

Barth, Richard C., William E. Dornemann, and Mark A. Schwalm. "The Trenton Prisoner List." Journal of the Johannes Schwalm Historical Association 3 (1985):1-21.

An answer to this other g2g on the Hessians includes a link to a German website with a search engine for Hessian Troops in America; still no Conrad listed.

You will not find every Hessian service member on the Trenton prisoner list. The estimate is about 30,000 Germans (mostly Hessians) served England, but only about 1,000 were captured at Trenton. 

Here are some research strategies for researching Hessians in the Revolutionary United States from the library that holds the Schwalm Association records (they don't provide direct research assistance, however).

by H Husted G2G6 Mach 8 (84.3k points)
selected by Rubén Hernández
Thanks so much for your help.  I checked HETRINA, as you suggested, and found both a Conrad Ochs and a Conrad Axt. Neither was a Trenton prisoner.  I see a lot more research ahead.
Heather is that list online anywhere?  I am looking for "Henrich Hassenpflug Jr" and Henrich Hassenpflug Sr." who are supposedly on that list.

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