There is insufficient evidence to link Peter Carey (1668) Northamptonshire, to Peter Carey (1638) Cork, Ireland ?

+2 votes

I have information to contribute to the profile of Peter Carey. This is what I can add:

These are the sources I am using:

Should I contact one of the pre-1700 projects or know about any style guidelines before proceeding? Thank you!

WikiTree profile: Peter Carey
in Genealogy Help by Pam Morris G2G Rookie (190 points)

1 Answer

+4 votes

I agree that there is no evidence in the profile to link Peter Carey of Easton Maudit to Ireland.

Irish history and  records are out of my comfort zone. I found one blog with a mix of types of source(some look as if they might be ok, some less so). It  states the Carey family of Ireland came from Devon. According to the author,  Peter Carey  acquired  the property in the 1650s from the Cromwellian Parliament. He died in 1670 and his son Peter inherited. They don't seem to be absentee landowners and there is nothing on there to connect them with Easton Maudit.

To me it looks as if two entirely different Peter Careys have been conflated

Edit. Just noticed your comment on a recent merge that is perhaps the cause.

OK; A Peter Carey of Careyville was absent from.Ireland in 1714 but he was sometimes  living near London ( I don't think you would classify Northamptonshire as London).

And I think that this Peter Carey, a grazier might be the one from Easton Maudit (though could be another Peter Carey  from Easton Neston)

by Helen Ford G2G6 Pilot (485k points)
edited by Helen Ford
Thank you so much for your response. I do have the article on the Careysville Careys and we have followed up any Peter who looks a possible father for Peter (1668) Northamptonshire - without finding sufficient evidence for any of them.

I have not seen the information from the Bedfordshire archives, which looks interesting. Thank you. Regards Pam

No Peter Carey in the 1662 Hearth tax return but in 1670 he had 2 hearths (compare to the local lord who had 42) He was also the parish constable.

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