How did the Pfannenstiels fare in Australia?

+6 votes
The civil engineer Hugo Pfannenstiel, his wife Emily neé Baumgardt and their three-year-old daughter Ketty left Göteborg in 1890 to settle in Australia.

They are already connected to the Global Tree through marriages into a cluster of actors and other interesting people in 19th century Stockholm and Göteborg. It would be so very neat to have a connection in Australia as well.

So: did they have more children? Did Ketty marry? Was Hugo successful in his work?

I have orphaned the profiles, so feel free to work on them directly if you are more familiar with Australian sources than I am.
WikiTree profile: Hugo Pfannenstiel
in Genealogy Help by Eva Ekeblad G2G6 Pilot (583k points)
Hugo died in St Albans, Victoria, in 1933.

It seems Ketty was known as Kitty in Australia.

So: did they have more children?


At least one.  (I've only just started looking.)  A daughter, Marie Louise, who died aged 3 years 8 months.

Interesting with Ketty / Kitty's music exam. The sister of her mother (who got me into this family) was a soprano singer.
I found it interesting that her mother had been a teacher, then she qualified as a teacher.

I did not find any other children -- and Ketty did not marry, so this line died with her.
It's always a pity when lines don't continue.
Yes, it is.  Especially in cases where they travel half the  world away from "home" - presumably looking for better / more opportunities in life.

1 Answer

+2 votes
OT: I cannot comment directly on this, but it reminds me of a lot of similar events in my on background.  The mother of a Universty friend was the sister of the soprano Elsie Morrison, who married Rafael  Kubelik.  And in my own immediate tree, there was a woman pianist, who was presented with a piano by the Duchess of her own country.  In the Bendigo region, she had been a pianist at a concert given by a noted violinist (but as a separate act.  My previous researcher said that when her Australian husband walked into a dam on the property and threatened to drown himself unless his wife sold her piano to buy more booze, The researcher's mother, who was present, took up a yard broom and started pushing him further in.  He pleaded with her to stop, but she replied that she was doing exactly what he wanted, since selling the piano was out of the question!  The people I have referred to, are on Wikitree.
by Doug Laidlaw G2G6 Mach 3 (39.7k points)

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