Cousin Connections On WikiTree - We Need An App For That [closed]

+18 votes
Is it possible to take advantage of our connection system and produce a list of cousins that are members on WikiTree?

The My Connections tools is amazing, and our ability to show ancestors and descendants is awesome. On top of that, it's so cool that I can go to any profile and see who might have inherited DNA from that person.

I would love see an expansion of all that functionality and get a list of my WikiTree cousins, ie. members, guests, DNA testers that I am related to? It would be great if there was a filter, so I could pick the level, like 2nd cousins, or 8th cousins, etc.

If there is already a tool for this, please let me know!
in WikiTree Tech by Allison Mackler G2G6 Mach 6 (65.3k points)
closed by Allison Mackler
Your closest DNA connections (cousins) among WikiTree members who have add their DNA to WikiTree are displayed on your own profile page on the right-hand side. But an app to show others would be cool if someone could come up with one.
That list is far, far too limited and only shows DNA connections, not just cousins that at are members or guests.

3 Answers

+10 votes
Unfortunately, not yet. But it is getting closer, bit by bit. You do have the option now, from your Profile page, select the drop down menu, SURNAME-ID, and select CONNECTIONS, which now can show you 8 steps, which will give you the closest Active members to you. Have a look see.
by Ben Molesworth G2G6 Pilot (166k points)
Yeah, that is great, like I said.  But I really, really want is a way to see my WikiTree cousins that are members, guests, DNA testers, etc. I think the key is any profile with an email address.
I have suggested previously, the ability in relationship finder, to put SURNAME-ID in box 1, and ACTIVE in box 2, and come up with a list of the top however many, closest cousins. It is something that the programming team have on their list of 'to do', and probably runs the risk of slowing the main frame computers down.

But, thinking about it, with the new capability to hit the MyConnections button on any category page now, maybe it would be an idea to have a category page, for Active members, so we can search for our closest cousins, with the new system that is now operating. I might make the suggestion.

I've put the Question up, specifically relating to using My Connection Finder to allow us to find cousins. It would certainly be a much closer solution to what we have at the moment.
I don't understand. When I go to "connections" all I see is my own ancestors under Degree 0, Degree 1, Degree 2 etc., no other names anywhere.
Yes. It should be showing you, in steps, connections away from yourself. As the connections move further back, it should include a lot more people. It may depend on how well connected your tree is. I have managed to connect a lot of people into my tree, lots of second marriages, and marriages of distant cousins, and their families etc.

When I look through your great great grandparents, only the Markle descendant, have descendant created, other than your own line. So by adding as many cousins as possible, then adding spouses of cousins, and adding the parents and siblings of the spouses, will increase the number of people you are connected to.

I have the advantage, or disadvantage, that both of my parents divorced (obviously both) and both remarried, virtually more than doubling the number of lines I have going back, and adding many more connections.

By the way, that would be an indication it is working. You are 0 steps from yourself. Your parents, siblings, spouse and children, are 1 step from you. Your grandparents, uncles and aunties, spouses parents, childrens spouses, childrens children, would all be 2 steps from you. Etc etc.
Thanks Ben. It makes me feel lonely!
I'm sorry about that Jane. I didn't mean it. You appear to have a really well developed tree though.

When you scrolled to the bottom, did you click the button to add an extra step? Because I was able to click out to 8 steps I think. Maybe 7, can't remember. But I wouldn't be surprise if you found other Active members, the further down you look. I think I only found 4 cousins, who I was already aware of. I was hoping to find new ones, but didn't.

Creative idea to possibly use an "active" category, Ben! yes

My 2nd cousin shows under degree 5,but it doesn't go far enough to show my 3C1R, or my 4th cousins.
+6 votes

This video shows you how to get a list of your WikiTree cousins with matching autosomal DNA:

and your WikiTree cousins with matching segments on your X chromosome(s):

by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (723k points)

Yes, that is a great feature for people that use GEDMatch!

But, that doesn't answer my question. I want to see all my cousins who are members or guests, including anyone that has DNA tested (not required, but nice).

It sounds like, based on Chris' answer, that it is a desirable feature for others, so hopefully we will see it soon. smiley

+16 votes
Hi Alison. I agree, this would be a great addition. It’s now much more practical than it used to be. It is on the to-do list.
by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)

Awesome, thanks! smiley

That's great to know, Chris -and - thanks for asking about this Allison.  I was considering creating an app that did basically this - a lot of the logic from the Fan Chart could be re-purposed to find the "flavour" of cousins you're looking for.  However, I've been working on a number of non-WikiTree projects lately that have soaked up way too much of my free time and energy, so it was put on the back burner.   Glad to know that it's on the official team's to-do list - I'm sure they'll do a much slicker job and get it done faster!


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