What are relations & origins of both John Anthony Morel of GA & John Morell of VA (on profile from 1/17-5/21)?

+4 votes

Seeking help to find better sourcing for this profile and answers to some questions.  The following items list some background information that needs further help and research:  In Jan 2017 John Morell of Virginia was created based on multiple unsourced family trees of descendants of Richard and Elizabeth Morell Harvey.  In May of 2021 the biography was changed along with the name to John Anthony Morel, Sr.

1. Are there any sources to support the previous John Morell of Virginia?

2. This source https://ugapress.manifoldapp.org/system/actioncallout/942870e2-a50c-411f-9667-389b519cc9ce/attachment/original-91386f8bd1d21dfdccbdcdd88ad0c7c5.pdf  lists “Jo. Ant.”   Are there sources that confirm that abbreviation is the name John Anthony?  The article documents that Peter Morel (father of the man in this profile) went from “Europe” to Georgia at the Trustee’s Charge (charity) and was “Morel, Pet. Rodolph-Weaver; embark’d 28 Sept 1733; arrived 14 .Jan. 1733-4. Settled at Highgate.”…with wife Martine “(Dead 5 Feb 1733-4)“ and children “Jo. Ant.”, Mariane and one servant.  So far, no sources have been found, giving ages, places of birth, marriages or naming “Peter Rodolph Morel” or children “Jo. Ant. Morel” or Mariane.  Are other sources available?  Are there sources supporting that he came from Cadzand, Zeeland, Nederland?  Are there records documenting the name of the ship that arrived 14 Jan 1734 and from where?

3. It is known that “Families going on charity received more than free passage to Georgia. Once there, they would receive land on which to live and work.” https://www.gpb.org/sites/default/files/2020-06/gpb_textbook_unit_3_final.pdf.   Is there a land grant for Highgate for Peter Morel/John Anthony Morel? Are sources available to explain how the persons going on charity could be able to buy additional property?

4. In the article from the Huguenot Society,  https://www.huguenotsociety.org/pierre-morel/  the third section down, it states “If these references are for the parents of Peter Morel of GA, his father…”.  To gain some clarification I called the Huguenot Society of South Carolina and spoke to Ms. Cheves Leland, the author of the article and a researcher at the society.  I asked which Peter Morel was being referred to in the article.  She was aware of the Peter Morel who had a Will written in 1752, however, clarified that the parents of the Peter Morel (or which Peter without further research) in her article are NOT known.  There is also a charge for them to do research.  I’m seeking  sources to support the listed ancestors of John Anthony Morel.  Is there anything available to provide support?

5. The profile for John Anthony Morel has this note “In 1752 John Morel has a Headright Platt for 500 Acres on Pipe Maker Creek”.  Is this the same property https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Morel-528 left in the will he signed in 1752 to his son https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Morel-509?  

6. This source was (see pages 77-78)  https://books.google.com/books?id=S2BB-6503_wC&pg=PA78&lpg=PA78&dq=Captain+John+Morel+continental+army+born+1740&source=bl&ots=BkKGTqVsS-&sig=ACfU3U1q7Leo7rAEjNCOBZMc0VIBiq1n5w&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjckJSB17XwAhUGWs0KHb8SAHkQ6AEwBHoECAkQAw#v=onepage&q=Captain%20John%20Morel%20continental%20army%20born%201740&f=false  noted in the discussion on the profile of John Anthony Morel with the birth/death dates of 1740 to 1782.  As I was doing additional research on this and going through my files I found a copy of Application sent to me (Helen Rice) in the 1980’s for the Daughters of the American Revolution, National Number 73022, naming John Morel for Marion Lumpkin Walbridge, address Saratoga Springs, New York, dated 5 April 1909 and accepted by the National Board of Management 2 Jun 1909.  The following information was provided “John Morel in 1775 was a member of Provincial Congress of Georgia, aka Council of Safety.”  Of note, the DAR application lists a birth date of 1740 and a death date of 1782.  Those dates were marked out on the application and birth information was written as “Switzerland or San Domingo 2-17-1723” and written for death info was “Will prob 4-9-1777”.  The incorrect birth/death dates of 1740 to 1782 found on the application have been found in books listing John Morel.  This footnote (page 12) also discusses the DAR lineage of Ms. Walbridge with the incorrect dates. https://books.google.com/books?id=5tYQAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA12&lpg=PA12&dq=john+morel+and+member+of+provencial+congress+of+georgia&source=bl&ots=r9xlr4OhF_&sig=ACfU3U1aJoT02UB4g-vYYJf-DxB5r_rT5A&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiQ9uq9h9fwAhVBKn0KHUbTDKcQ6AEwEXoECAoQAw#v=onepage&q=john%20morel%20and%20member%20of%20provencial%20congress%20of%20georgia&f=false  The John referred to in both applications is https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Morel-509 and not John Anthony Morel.  Since I don’t think I can post a jpg of the document, how should this be addressed in the profile of John Anthony Morel due to the copyright issues  of the DAR?

WikiTree profile: John Morel
in Genealogy Help by Helen Rice G2G6 Mach 1 (11.4k points)
retagged by Helen Rice

4 Answers

+3 votes
Focusing on John Morel with a little light digging, I found a family tree on Ancestry the owner of which I happen to know and lives in my town. I might be able to contact him and see what he knows.

Also, I found the will of Henry Bourquin, Nov. 1775 of Little Ogeechee, Chatham Co. Ga. lists among relations: grandson Henry Peter Morel son of John Morel esq. and John Morel the younger, son of John Morel, esq.

I located the Morel records in the Georgia Archives that were mentioned in the inquiry.

It appears to me, just on the surface, that there has been a crossover of different individuals with the similar names. John Morel, esq. would be a gentleman and I don't think would have traveled on the charity.
by Victoria English G2G6 Mach 7 (77.9k points)

There were 3 different Pierre/Peter Morel’s in Georgia at the same time.  The majority of the information found has been for https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Morel-528 and/or his descendants.  It has been a challenge trying to determine if what has been found might belong to one of the other families.  I had seen the info about Henry Bourquin and I appreciate your response.  If you do find other information it will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

+4 votes

The The Colonial Records of the Sate of Georgia recorded the land grants.  Persons were granted land based on number of members of the household including servants, and they continually petitioned for land grants.  The various volumes of the Colonial Records can be found HathtiTrust Digital Library:  https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000530729

by Brenda Breland Shaffer G2G6 (7.4k points)
edited by Brenda Breland Shaffer
Thank you.  Started going through the HathiTrust records.  What has been found so far are Morel-528 and Morel-509 and not Morel-703.  Will continue reviewing the remainder of the documents.  Then if any sources for Morel-703 are found they can be reviewed with the Southern Colonies Project.  This will also help separate out the 2 Morel families.
+3 votes

Regarding question 5. The profile for John Anthony Morel has this note “In 1752 John Morel has a Headright Platt for 500 Acres on Pipe Maker Creek”.

There was an Indenture of lease and release dated the 23rd day and 24th day of December 1760 recording John Morel of the Town of Savannah in the Parish of Christ Church, Merchant sold to Lachlan McGillivray of Augusta in the Parish of Saint Paul...all that tract of land containing 500 acres situate in the District of Savannah bounded on the North West by Pipe Maker Creek South West by the Village of Newington and on all other sides by vacant land.  The release on the 24th of December  also recorded that on or about the 16th day of January 1756 the same described land was granted unto the said John Morel.

Source:  Colonial Government, Conveyances, RG 49-1-3, Georgia Archives. Record ID vol3-8976.  Georgia Colonial Conveyance Book C-2, [https://vault.georgiaarchives.org/digital/collection/test3/id/405/rec/4 754-757], citing Indenture of Lease and Release from John Morel to Lachlan MGillivray. Digital images: Georgia Archives. Virtual Vault.

by Brenda Breland Shaffer G2G6 (7.4k points)

Your reference of the Colonial Government, Conveyances noting John Morel of Savannah with a mention of his wife Mary would be More-509, not John Anthony Morel.  It is interesting that Pipemakers Creek is on the North West.   There is no mention of his father Peter as was in another plat.  This https://vault.georgiaarchives.org/digital/collection/adhoc/id/6722 mentions Peter Deveaux and John Morel.  It shows a plat of 500 acres on the South side of Pipemakers Creek with John Morel’s name on that 500 acres that was from Peter Morel’s Will. This is More-509, not John Anthony Morel.  This seems like two different tracts of land on Pipemakers Creek.  Thank you and I will look at this more closely.

+3 votes

Above link is to the Colonial Records citing the sponsorship by Peter Noailles toward passage of Peter Morell, wife, two children, and maid servant to Georgia and twelve pounds towards one year's maintenance.
by Victoria English G2G6 Mach 7 (77.9k points)
Thank you.  The middle name is listed so it is Morel-703.  What a wonderful find.  It confirms the family being sent on charity and apparently him needing support to live and take care of his family/servant.  That’s the second source I’ve seen that is him.  Doesn’t seem like he would be able to buy property in Georgia.  Thank you again.
2 things to note here. 1st, the term "Charity" is misapplied when in reference to persecuted European Protestants that concerned18th Century Georgia Trustees. These were NOT as much the financially stressed, though they certainly were able to take advantage of an opportunity to better their circumstances. It was more for the talented academics and artisans were forced out of homes and careers because they were Protestant. Trustees used this sad circumstance to bring the well educated and artisans to the Colonies as teachers and tradesmen. Later Headrights (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Headright) were employed for those with the right skills to develop the area. This would entail sweat rather than financial equity. If someone was granted a Headright, it meant that person could prove the ability to develop that property and bring a profit to the Benefactor.

It was an economic opportunity for businessmen to invest in a new frontier. In the early 18th Century, Georgia offered a lot of property free if you showed ability. Georgia was originally created to ward off Spanish and Indians from the other colonies. The biggest problem was the high mortality rate because of dissentary and malaria.

Which brings us to the 2d point. What was exciting was what John Morel did with it when he got this river tract. He wasn't a "planter" so acquiring hundreds of acres of blackwater property opened up a whole new career opportunity. This source lends credence then that he not only acquired Ogeechee River property, but used it to transport farmed goods and built resources from inner Georgia to the coast. He was good at it and did well.

Fun stuff. Thank you Victoria!!!!

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