Help us find and improve next week's Connection Finder profiles: Military Heroes [closed]

+16 votes

We're featuring Violette Szabo, French spy during World War II, and other military heroes for the upcoming U.S. Memorial Day in the Connection Finder

We're searching for more military heroes to feature with her. Here are a few of the people we're getting started on:

Can you help with these profiles, or expand their families? Adding relatives in any direction helps with connections. Every missing relative you add will make our connections to them closer.

Who else should we feature? Do they need a profile?

All profiles we feature need a good biography and a connection to the big tree. We also want each one to have an image, and the image needs to have proper source attribution explaining why it's in the public domain or why we have the right to display it.

We can't feature everyone mentioned (we only have room for 10 per week), but if we don't feature a profile you work on, we may use it sometime in the future. And, of course, all contributions help improve our shared tree.

We'll make a final decision on which ones to feature early next week.

Please reply here with what you're working on so that we don't duplicate our efforts. Thank you!

To help us plan future themes, see the 2021 Example Profile Plans post here.

WikiTree profile: Violette Szabó
closed with the note: Feature has run:
in The Tree House by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (757k points)
closed by Abby Glann

11 Answers

+9 votes

John Simpson Kirkpatrick aka Simpson - who, with his donkey, Duffy, are enshrined in Australian history as heroes.  English born, has pic, has bio, is Connected.

by Melanie Paul G2G6 Pilot (427k points)

Suggested for last November's "Military Heroes" theme --

Jelena Eckstädt suggested the German Chief of General Staff at the beginning of the Great War Hellmuth von Moltke.  Has bio, has  pic, IS Connected.


Jo Fitz-Henry  suggested Albert Ball, VC - England - has bio, has pic, IS Connected.


Following Ken Evans's suggestions from last November (these folk still need some work to get them Connected) --

Frederick Birks -- born in Wales, died in France.  Has bio, has pic, NOT Connected.  (Wales Project?)

James McCay -- born in Ireland, died in Australia.  Has bio, has pic, NOT Connected.  (Ireland Project?  Australia Project?)

Frank McNamara -- born in Australia, died in England.  Has bio, has pic, NOT Connected.  (Australia Project?  England Project?)

+12 votes

I have one, our naval hero from the second world war  rear admiral Karel Doorman who died during the battle of the JAva sea in 1942.

He has a profile with lots of pictures, is connected and only needs a bit more info about his military carreer and adventures in his proflie.

by Eef van Hout G2G6 Pilot (193k points)
+11 votes
Moe Berg is proving to be difficult to connect. His siblings had no kids and and the parents were from Russia. We're trying though!
by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
+14 votes

Sadao Munemori was the first Japanese American to (posthumously) receive the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions during World War II; 21 other recipients did not receive the medal until later on. Munemori is connected, has a picture, and has a biography that can be worked on.

by Nicolas LaPointe G2G6 Mach 1 (10.3k points)
+9 votes

Kenneth George Mayhew

(18 January 1917 – 14 May 2021) was a British Army veteran of the Second World War. Mayhew was one of the recipients of the Military William Order, the highest honour of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

No profile yet, I think.

by Living Terink G2G6 Pilot (302k points)
+6 votes
So, what exactly defines a hero?
by Richard Shelley G2G6 Pilot (250k points)

I think that quietly preventing World War III ought to qualify.

I agree, Ellen.
I have a relative who was killed in a conflict, part of a 130 man detachment assailed by a force of 15,000. Died holding the line so that his peers could get to safety.

He won't feature though because these epows require images and I'm not sure you can find one...
I am still trying to find a connection to Johnnie David Hutchins. He was awarded the Medal of Honor for his bravery in World War II. Look him up on Wikipedia for more details.
+7 votes

Ernest Edward Dunlop AC CMG OBE (1907-1993) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree  connected ready to go

Francis Pegahmagabow (1889-1952) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree not connected

Joseph Medicine Crow (1913-2016) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree not connected

Nancy Grace Augusta (Wake) Forward AC GM (1912-2011) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree connected ready to go

one unsung hero little known but I could be biased as i am his manager but 

Leslie Charles Allen - WikiTree Profile  needs help with photos

and the more famous medic Desmond Thomas Doss (1919-2006) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree

Thanks Melanie for that i just noticed the photo


how could i forget about 

Witold Pilecki (1901-1948) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree  bio needs work

and John Malcolm Thorpe Fleming Churchill (1906-1996) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree see "Mad Jack" Churchill and his heroic exploits - YouTube

another medic and he has not got a profile yet i have been meaning to do one see Robert E Wright (1924-2013) - Find A Grave Memorial the bloodstains are still on the pews in the church. Just started one for him, no bio, not connected, no photos see Robert Edward Wright - WikiTree Profile and this is why i choose him see When the 101st Airborne Saved Friend and Foe - YouTube

should I stop now

by anonymous G2G6 Mach 9 (98.2k points)
edited by anonymous
Absolutely support Nancy Wake's inclusion!


I added a primary photo, the Notables sticker, and paired the Wikipedia link with the Wikidata item (for Bull Allen).
I would love it if the US Project -- or a State's Team (Montana?), or, really, anyone else! -- could get Joseph Medicine Crow Connected.

And if Canada could work on getting Francis Pegahmagabow Connected.
+8 votes
I hope I'm not too late or not duplicating. How about Audie Murphy? He's on Wikitree and he's connected:
by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
+6 votes
OK, I have a few more military heroes and hope they don't overlap. I've checked to see if they have Wikitrees, and they do:

1) Sgt. Alvin York

2) Gen. George S. Patton

3) Gen. John Lincoln Klem

4) Deborah Sampson

5) Capt. Nancy Wake

6) Maj. Audie Murphy
by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
+7 votes
  • Douglas Bader - a long time hero of mine, who actually answered my fan letter back in the 70s
  • Billy Bishop - Canada's top WWI ace
  • Isaac Brock - who probably would have prevented the massacre during the siege of Fort Erie had he lived
  • Arthur Currie - one WWI general who figured out that sending troops against machine guns was a bad idea
  • Richard Goodwin Keats - whose feats during the Second Battle of Algeciras Bay provided me with probably the best laugh I ever had while doing history research 
by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (702k points)
I met Sir Douglas (and his  wife) in 1976.

I vote for Isaac Brock! I am supposed to be distantly related to him through my father’s mother, Madeleine Sinclair (Brock) Berryann. smiley

Very cool, Melanie!
+8 votes

Carl Gorman, one of the World War II Navajo Code Talkers - he's connected and has a bio, now if only we could find an illustration...

Update: he's got a photo now.

by Isabelle Martin G2G6 Pilot (581k points)
edited by Isabelle Martin

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