Any information on Mabel Lux who lived in Michigan in the 1930s?

+3 votes
in Genealogy Help by William Lux G2G Rookie (220 points)

3 Answers

+4 votes
Hi William,

Take a peek at this and see if it helps at all. Without more data, it's hard to be of assistance, but hopefully this will give you a launch point for further research.



by Sarah Grimaldi G2G6 Mach 2 (22.0k points)
+2 votes

I would take a look at this record and see if it relates, there is a note over at Find a Grave:

"Rosemary: My mom died of stomach cancer. I know she had 3 kids before us. 2 boys and a girl."

Mabel Gladys Lux Palutis

Find A Grave Index

by Dina Grozev G2G6 Pilot (206k points)

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