Mary Beaufort - Needs more info

+1 vote
Hi all!

I am working on this profile as it seems she's an ancestor and I am trying to verify her trail.

Currently, I am stuck on her parents - there are no sources that link her to her parents besides some unsourced trees on the web. Seems that some trees have her born in Scotland, which wouldn't make any sense. I marked her parents uncertain for now (her father is managed by the US Southern Colonies project).

If anyone has any insight on her that would be greatly appreciated :) Or if even some tips on where to look next!

WikiTree profile: Mary Herffernon
in Genealogy Help by Sarah Callis G2G6 Pilot (125k points)
There is reference on her father's profile to baptisms-- including hers-- in Christ Church parish records but the church records are not fully cited. Perhaps you could track them down.

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