which Doyles were enrolled as Indians, esp. Louisiana, and which tribes?

+2 votes
I descend from Rhodum Doyle and Jane Brewster, who lived in Tennessee, and had a daughter named Alzira in 1821,  I believe this family of Doyles connects with the family of Nimrod Doyle, who fought in the red stick wars and was a Creek indian, or mixed blood.  There are many indications that this may be so, but I cannot find the actual connection. Perhaps cousins?
in Genealogy Help by
Name: Rhodam Doyle  
Spouse: Jane Bruster
Marriage Date: 17 Mar 1807
Source: Marriage Records From the Pendleton Messenger


I guess I'm not exactly sure how to go about answering this question.

Would Nimrod be born after Rhodum or before?



1 Answer

0 votes
Nimrod was born around 1790s....Rhodum wasborn around the same time, but different area.....I believe nimrod was born in GA and Rhodum in TN.
by Leslie Benjamin G2G Crew (410 points)

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