There are so many missed DNA Cousins being missed because of this, and would help

+3 votes
The question says it all, and I just want to know why more than a few people I am seeing are hardly downloading their DNA to  No matter which DNA Lab you use to test your Autosomal DNA, you can attach your DNA to your WikiTree family and your personal profile to

How many of you go to gedmatch, and hope that more of us who are working on WikiTree has added one's DNA tests to both WikiTree, and gedmatch. Like a lot of you, I scan the number of people who have downloaded their DNA and find that it matches mine.  If only they would use their real name and take the opportunity to use the best Genealogy website that is available to us all. (
WikiTree profile: Keith Mann Spencer
in The Tree House by Keith Mann Spencer G2G6 Mach 3 (31.4k points)
edited by Keith Mann Spencer

1 Answer

+6 votes
Law enforcement went fishing in Gedmatch, and that scared many people off. After an uproar about the lack of informed consent, the database owners opted everyone out and everyone is now required to opt in. So those people who were deceased at the time this happened, or haven't logged in for a long time, no longer have their DNA in the public pool.

The concerns about law enforcement using the database are quite varied. I find that those who don't care about LE being there dismiss the concerns of those who are concerned, and it's not all about covering up a crime. There are a number of issues. Some people who manage multiple kits are also taking it upon themselves to make decisions for their test takers, and removing the right of informed consent from their test takers. My personal code of ethics means that every time there has been a change involving privacy at Gedmatch, I go back to my test takers and obtain their consent again. Eventually I couldn't be bothered so I just deleted the kits from there. I've also noticed that a lot of my matches have deleted their trees from Gedmatch since LE started using the database, so Gedmatch has lost its value for me.

Many of the matches that I have at other sites have an extremely limited understanding of how to interpret matches. Ancestry provides a nice interface, it has ThruLines to help them (it's of limited use to some people due to the junk in their relatives' trees, but I've been really lucky and it works very well for me). It has ethnicity information and this is all many of Ancestry's customers want. To use Gedmatch well, it requires a greater understanding of the underlying science, therefore it will appeal to a smaller group of people. It is probably also of greater appeal to those who can afford to buy kits to test numerous relatives.
by Living Ford G2G6 Pilot (160k points)

Thank you Leandra for responding to my question statement. I knew what the answer was before I wrote the question.  I also noticed the decline in DNA downloads and less people wanting to connect wikitree to their gedmatch account. In the last four years I have seen about half the people disconnect wikitree from their gedmatch autosomal downloads. Also I have noticed that many, and friends I know removed their DNA from gedmatch because of our contitutional rights are so close to being violated by law enforcement.

Thank you so much

I know this is an old question  but  maybe some of the reason is that new people to the DNA game  just do not understand Gedmatch  or WIkitree

 I got my DNA test in Sept  & still trying to figure out Gedmatch  & Wikitree for that matter

I have watched all the Gedmatch videos & still no closer to understanding it

Hard to get an answer on their forum on what to look for  when trying to connect a match to your  family tree

Not everyone is an expert with DNA & how it works to connect people

Just my opinion

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