Is it possible to display Tag Images in the family tree view when there are no other pictures?

+11 votes
There are many profiles without pictures.  In the family tree view it might be even more interesting and helpful if there was an image that indicated something about the person.  

Some of the picture-less profiles are tagged, and most tags have small images (such as the liberty bell for 1776 project).  Is it possible to display tag images in family tree view as a default or choice when there are no other pics?

Any thoughts about this are appreciated.

Thank you very much.
in The Tree House by Keith Hathaway G2G6 Pilot (642k points)
retagged by Keith Hathaway

1 Answer

+1 vote
If you can find the location of the image that is used in the template then you can link to it, but I don't know if you can designate it as the primary picture (which would make it appear as a thumbnail on the profile and also on the tree).

If you hover your mouse over the picture wherever it appears and right-click, you should get a popup menu that has a choice to "save picture".  Do that and save it on your computer.  then you can upload that picture to the profile.  When it is on the profile, you can select it to be the primary picture, which will make it appear as a thumbnail on the profile page and on the first 3 generations of the tree.
by Gaile Connolly G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
The suggestion to add the project picture to a profile is a good one, but it would be better to do it without uploading a bunch of duplicates of the image! Instead, additional profiles can be added to an image on the image edit page. That way a bunch of profiles can all use the same image.
I like that idea much better, Lianne.  I did not know whether those graphics - the ones used in project templates - were available on a page that could be linked to or that someone could add their profile to in order to use it as a thumbnail.

How do we get to the page where the project graphics are located?
Click on the picture which you see /saw in a tree, it should take you to the page where it was originally saved, such as a free-space area.

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