Proof Nancy Ann Foley is daughter of James Foley & Mary Young

+2 votes
Yes, there are several family group sheets indicatins she is their daughter BUT no one has posted ANY documentation.  She is my 8th great grandmother - I have proof of her marriage to Spencer Lehew BUT need documentation that she is daughter of James and Mary in order to get James Foley approved by Sons of American Revolution. Clearly no birth records exist from 1740 - copy of family Bible would work - I can explain why she was not mentioned in father's will but there does not seem to be any way to document her connection to her parents - Ancestral File group sheets are NOT accepted - some list her as child while others do not include her.  Please HELP

Ken Roberts  253 851 0480
in Genealogy Help by

1 Answer

+1 vote
Nancy is NOT named in wills of any of her siblings. She was already married and had childred at time her father died. Her birth mother had also died many years before and her father had remarried and had several (four) children by his new wife so it is not surprising that Nancy would have been left out of the will - she probably already received her inheritance at the time her mother died.

Ken Roberts

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