Lavina Elizabeth Downs Lylte Bower 1831-1912

+6 votes
Unable to figure out where the name "Downs" comes from. Her mother was Catherine Newhouse.....
in Genealogy Help by anonymous G2G1 (1.6k points)
Where did she live?
My records show that she was born in Magnolia, Carroll, OH and most of her residences in the 1800s were in Harrison Co, OH.
who was she married to?


Have you ordered her death certificate? It looks like it's in volume 950 #66469

And have you tried to track down any sort of marriage record? Likely a church record. They were married by the 1850 census, but without children til the following year.

OMG, Find-a-grave has a photo of her and she's stunning:

My confusion stems from the name "Downs". It does not appear anywhere else in her family tree. I am thinking Samuel Lytle may not have been her biological father. Yes, I  have seen her picture....stunning is one word :) BTW, she was married to Jacob H. Bower
What are your sources for her various names? Where is Downs on a document? have you put a profile up on wikitree for her line yet?

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