Ship Speedwell of London, Capt. John Chappell, Log Book?

+4 votes
Hoping someone can help me find the Speedwell's log book especially for it's voyage on 28 May 1635 England to VA, Captain John Chappell. I'd like to prove/disprove that Melashus McKay (Mckay-6622) died during the voyage. He at the age of 22 sailed from England to VA on the Speedwell, embarking on 28 May 1635, but after intense searching I can find no records for his existence in VA. He may have soon returned to England, died while coming across the "big pond," or died soon after arrival in VA. Or, he may have changed his name to begin a fresh start in the New World.

Thanks for any assistance!

(also posted G2G query about his possible return to England 1635-1640ish)

WikiTree profile: Melashas MacKay
in Genealogy Help by Beth Golden G2G6 Mach 2 (29.2k points)

I am in the same boat, so to speak, with John Stanton on the George in the same year. Listed as a passenger but no record of arrival or anything later in Virginia. I've not found an online repository where ships log transcriptions (other than Mayflower) may be found--if they still exist. Hopefully someone will provide some ideas of where to look.

you've a great sense of humor! "in the same boat" :D Fingers crossed that we both find the answers! Like you, I found the Mayflower log (sister ship to the Speedwell), so hopefully the Speedwell's later voyages, especially 1635, will be out there somewhere.
Was Speedwell transporting deportees or migrants?
Great question, but I've no clue. In the British Archives record it does not specify.
PLEASE note that his profile has been changed to reflect the proper form of his Scottish last name. It is now Mackay-3927.

According to OliveTreeGenealogy:

Outbound Ships Passenger Lists

Ships sailing from USA to England, Europe, North America & Other Ports

Neither U.S. A. nor Canada maintained outbound ships passenger lists.
However, some are listed but are dated 1851-1906.

I was unable to find anything regarding log books at the UK Archives either searching for the Speedwell or for Capt. John Chappell.

However for Chappell researchers, I did find this for a John who died 1830? Curiously this file is located in Probates under Prerogative Court of Canterbury dated 1235-1445, so the 1830 date may be a typo. Or the 1830 may refer to an exhibit at Kew?

Exhibit: 1830/1263. John Chappell, seaman of HMS Bulwark, late of HMS Swan, HMS Magnificent, HMS Speedwell, and HMS Bustard. Probate inventory, or declaration, of the estate of the same, deceased

Unfortunately this is for a different Capt. Chappell. The Speedwell referred to in the British Archive record has the designation HMS Speedwell.

1 Answer

+2 votes

Ships and passengers to America

This webpage looks like it may have some information. 

by Linda Peterson G2G6 Pilot (806k points)
Thanks so much, Linda! I had accessed this list but didn't find anything about return trips to England from VA between 1635 - 1640ish, but I'll check one more time.

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