Who did Helena Rosina Haack marry?

+1 vote

I'm researching some of my ancestors from Baden and came across this mix-up.

There was a Helena Rosina Haack who was baptized on 18 Aug 1758 in Bargen to Bernhard Haack and Maria Jakobina [Halter].

A "Rosina Heesch" (I assume this was mis-transcribed) married Henricus Barth on 22 Jan 1786 in Spechbach, which is 2 towns over - only 8 km away. This same Rosina appears to have died on 17 Jan 1814 in Spechbach at the age of 55, giving an approximate birth year of 1759. This Henry Barth and the elusive Rosina are my ancestors. The Helena Rosina mentioned above is my only lead for my ancestor's origins.

A "Helena Hack" married Georg Hoenig on 21 Aug 1781 in Bargen. This same Helena appears to have died on 23 Apr 1840 in Bargen at the age of 81, giving an approximate birth year of 1759.

Neither marriage record index lists the bride's parents' names or the bride's age or place of birth. Unfortunately it does seem slightly more likely that Georg Hoenig is the correct marriage for the Helena Rosina Haack mentioned here... Which means that my Rosina is a brick wall and I have no more leads. Does anyone else here have a better idea, or maybe have access to the actual images instead of just the familysearch indexes?


WikiTree profile: Rosina Barth
in Genealogy Help by Chris Rickerd G2G3 (3.3k points)
do you have Barth ancestors in your line or Hoenigs ?
The Barth line is the one I'm descended from, but I actually have a couple distant DNA matches descended from the Hoenig line.
The church book duplicate has the death record from Spechbach you mentioned:

At first glance I can see at least that Heinrich was a master wagon-maker and that she and the woman after her died of some infectious decease and were buried the day after death directly because of it.

The other death record from Bargen:

There her age is stated as 81 years and  9 months, which makes birth in August quite likely.

The originals of the marriage record on microfilm can probably be inspected either in one of the Family History Centers of LDS or in the archive in Freiburg.

2 Answers

+2 votes
Name: Rosina Heesch
Gender: weiblich (Female)
Event Type: Heirat (Marriage)
Marriage Date: 12 Okt 1779 (12 Oct 1779)
Marriage Place: Alfdorf, Württemberg, Deutschland (Germany)
Father: Jac. Heesch
Spouse: Matheus Sterle
Author: Evangelische Kirche Alfdorf (OA. Welzheim)
City or District: Alfdorf

Source Information

Ancestry.com. Württemberg, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1985 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2016.

by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
That’s all I found, however I don’t have German ancestors so might have missed something.
+2 votes

Here is the record from Spechbach which I received from a very generous member of BaWue-L:

by Florian Straub G2G6 Pilot (211k points)

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