Is he the father of Margaret Brown Paisley born 1889 in Naseby, New ZealandQuestion about Robert Paisley

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Margaret married William Henry Graham in 1915.  She died, still married on 23.11.1956 in Dunedin where she was a resident at the time of her death at 548 Cumberland Street.
WikiTree profile: Robert Paisley
in Genealogy Help by
Robert Paisley and Jane Donnelly married in 1881.  (I added the marriage details to Robert's profile.  Am about to do the same for Jane.) There are subsequently nine children registered to parents with those names (up until 1904).  It is reasonable to presume that they were all the children of the same Robert and Jane, but I am currently searching paperspast for birth announcements.  (The wedding was so announced, so it's a reasonable expectation.)
Also -- some of the names for the children match with family names "up the tree", so I would say those children (at the least) are 99.999999999% sure.

Nothing found on paperspast.
Thank you Melanie for this valuable lead for me.  I have just started this genealogy game and am so far enjoying the journey.  I wish to learn more about Margaret Paisley's life after marrying William Henry Graham in 1915.  I have found that they had one son, Barton Alexander Robert Graham in 1919, but I don't yet know of other children if there were any more.  I know Margaret died married in 1956 in Dunedin but I don't know what became of her husband.  Any more leads would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks again.

I found confirmation of the children from sources on familysearch, so I added them to the profiles of Robert and Jane.

So far the only child attached is Jane May (on WikiTree as May Jane).

For Margaret Brown Paisley, if she had children between 1915 and 1919, they should be easy to find.  Any after the cutoff date for New Zealand's online BDM search will be more difficult.

If you haven't yet discovered Papers Past (aka the National Library of New Zealand), I recommend it.

If you aren't yet a member here, I also recommend that you sign up.  That way you'll be able toad  your research.

If you are already a member, feel free to ask for help any time you get stuck.

NZ BDM records another child, a son (Arthur James, last name Paisley), born in 1910, with no father recorded.

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