Conventions for a Free Space representing an individual source

+5 votes
Occasionally I come across an "attic source", let's say a personal letter, that exists nowhere online. Assume I've been given permission to publish it like a photo, etc.

I think it makes sense to create a free space page that is only focused on that singular source material such that it can be transcribed in text, capture narrative context, etc. and then it can be used as a citation on multiple profiles without duplicating it everywhere.

I don't know that I've come across any examples where other folks have done this, but I'm curious if there are any community suggestions around naming conventions that could be used for such a free space page.


in Policy and Style by Joe Holloway G2G5 (5.5k points)

1 Answer

+9 votes
Best answer

Here is an example of a Free Space Page for a personal letter: Harold_Jones_Letter It includes a transcription, with links, and scanned image in PDF format.

by Rick Pierpont G2G6 Pilot (130k points)
selected by Joe Holloway
That's a great example. Thanks

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