Is there a Wikitreer who can help with questions I have about Catherine Felton (aka Felten, Velten, Velde)?

+7 votes
Hi "Wiki Treepers"

I am hoping someone can help me by proving or disproving or adding to information about Catherine Felton Linderman whose last name Felten was spelled several ways based on records I have seen.

Fact: Catherine was the second wife of Johann Jacob Linderman and had 2 children with him proven by baptism records and his Will.  

Background needing proved, disproved, or added to: I have been investigating her background and have attached 2 word documents- see Image 5 and 6.   

What would like someone to say if on right track about her parents- Hieronymus Velde and Maria Catherine Schlemmer and if she was married to Jacob Krans (aka Krantz) and had children with him.   Would also appreciate any other ideas or places to research.  

Thanks for any help - Also hoping this isn't a second post as couldn't find one I thought I submitted last night.
WikiTree profile: Catharine Linderman
in Genealogy Help by Debbie Stanway G2G6 (6.9k points)
retagged by T Stanton
Hello D. I have added some tags to your question to get some additional eyes on it. Working on my few Germanic ancestors who came to the same region often proves challenging. Have you been able to find a probable first husband for the second wife of Jacob? I think determining that is probably the first step.

If you haven't already looked for it, I would check the online versions of county histories. That's where I have often found the best leads or at least ideas to follow.
Here's one of the county histories from 1852 which has a few 'hits' for Linderman. This search should pull up the hits for you (using that spelling, I would try alternates):
Yes- a Jacob Krans/Kranz and 3 baptism records - If you go to the page and look at Images 5 and 6- I have spent hours reading through Baptism records looking for all variations of Felton - to Velde and that is why I got possible parents- I am stuck at the parent evidence - as well - and am hoping I am on right track ..
Thank you for the reply and adding the tags.
Thank you for your reply and resource tip.

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