Italy Location Categories - "only municipalities" approval [closed]

+20 votes

Following the work started in 2021 and mentioned in the topic Updated Italian Location Categories, I would like to officially ask for approval to only have municipalities as the lowest category level.

As only exception, the Italy Project Leaders ("we") would allow "frazioni", the administrative smaller unit than municipalities (such as villages or settlements), for location categories, if a member is doing a One Place Study on a frazione and thus adding many profiles to that category.
We want to keep it simple and the main goal is to group profiles according to their municipality, so there shouldn't be frazioni categories that only contain a handful of profiles.

This has been the consensus until now and is supported by the Italy Project Leaders.

Edit: added tag

closed with the note: Approved and implemented in the "Italy Location Categories" page:
in Policy and Style by I. Caruso G2G6 Mach 9 (95.4k points)
closed by I. Caruso
Since you fixed this up with a new post due to typos ... you should 'hide' this post so there's no confusion ...
This isn't a new version of that thread. This is a different topic.
I swear it's old age setting in!
Don't worry about it. =D

3 Answers

+20 votes
Please upvote here, if you approve.
by I. Caruso G2G6 Mach 9 (95.4k points)
+6 votes
Please upvote here, if you do not approve.
by I. Caruso G2G6 Mach 9 (95.4k points)
+5 votes
I have had 2 or 3 frazioni categories added already.  One is a One Place Study (Maserno, Montese, Modena).  The other is Castelluccio, same commune as Maserno.  Will these be left as is, since they are already existing?  I may do a One Place Study for Castelluccio in the future, but it is very useful to have a category available now while I begin to collect records.  I am currently pulling information from Montese in Antenati, and dividing several frazioni out of those records, because my family is from several of them, not just one.  If I want to add the frazione Iola to the categories will I need to start a One Place Study to get it added going forward?
by J. Kirk G2G6 (9.0k points)
Hi J.
This sounds like we can keep going as it is. As long as you are adding "many" profiles to a frazione category and even thinking of doing a OPS, then that's fine.
What we don't want are frazioni categories for just a handful of profiles.
Ok Thanks for replying

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