How do I find out more about who my gg-gma Frances Adams Huggins is?

+4 votes

I'm Greg [Newman-1239], and she is [Adams-9083] and she married John [Huggins-270]. There is another lady Huggins-270 appears to have married at the same time. The children all fit in the right categories, as if he traveled and in those travels was gone for long intervals, and became wed to two wives. It is possible he was a Mormon or held marriage beliefs similar to the Mormons.

I have found no better explanation to fit the seeming conflict between the two families. I find no census record of her later, suggesting she passed due to some injury, wound or illness, and it seems he joined the children from her family to his other one.

I also found that on the same page as the Huggins in the Census, 1870, on page 10 is also listed a family of Branams. United States Census, 1870; This is the link to the image, on page 10. Just scroll up or down: Branams are toward the top, then the Leonard family, Giles family and the Fowler family are between them and the Huggins. They lived three families apart in Monroe District 2, Tennessee. Three families, about 14 names between the Huggins and the Branams. That is one of the family names that associated/lived next to or with Newmans on Cottonwood Street (formerly town) in San Antonio. But they used the name Branum here. I have to investigate that lead to see if the two families Branam/Branum are indeed related Branam/Branum families. I know WD Newman who married Fannie Huggins, when they married they changed their last name after the Civil War to Numan till they reached Texas, and she went by Fanny Numan with a y til in Texas. So maybe that will explain the difference in Branam family names. And also WD's dad, Jim, is in a Census with his stepparents Stephensons one or two rooms over on that census with WD listed as Stephenson by mistake, and his wife Jane Stephenson is listed in records as Jane Stevens. So you have people traveling together from different immediate families and all having some form of name changes. Therefore, I use that as an investigative tool or aid. Hopefully they are the same Branums and came out west from Alabama at or near the same time. enlightenedThis could be a very important find, if verified as a match, because it would place Fannie (Huggins) Newman's family with the Branums in both San Antonio, Texas area as well as together in Tennessee.

Now back to Adams-9083, I do know that all the way back into the mid-1800's the Newmans I knew who were alive in the 1870 and 1880's such as my grandfather Robert Earl Newman, Sr., always with the rest of the family spoke matter-of-factly of her being related to Presidents John Adams and John Q Adams. One of our oldest cousins was John Adams who lived for some time in Adkins Texas not far from us in San Antonio, Texas. He came to all my dad's functions through the years. He looked just like John Adams and even had an 18th century coat of tails he wore to dad's funeral. He was always referred to as Cousin John. He was very close to WD Newman's wife, Fannie Huggins Newman, my great grandma. And I used to say he looks just like President Adams just like that family of five generations of Ford owners all looked the same, similar. Uncanny.

Thank you for your time and consideration.heart

Best regards,

Greg Newman

I added name tags. I need to see how to add location tags.

WikiTree profile: Frances Huggins
in Genealogy Help by Greg Newman G2G1 (1.3k points)
edited by Greg Newman

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer
Hi  Greg

If you edit this post and add location and surname tags, you may get the attention of members with experience or interest in these topics.
by Peggy Watkins G2G6 Pilot (860k points)
selected by Doug Tabor

Thank youyes for sharpening me up. I just did as you counseled me and I inserted name and location tags and also her WT profile url. Greg

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