Comments on Zuladawn Hall

+4 votes

On NaN undefined NaN Zuladawn Hall wrote on Hall-49782:

I checked out the 1950 US Census on myself. It wasn't difficult finding my mother, father, sister and brother. At first glance it appears that I was left out. But upon closer look, you can see that my name was originally there, but had been crossed off and the head of the next family was written above. It gives all his information above mine. I was listed as a white female, daughter, birth month as April; his was written above as male, head and birth was March. I was 1 month old at the time, so my age not listed. The indices do not reflect my name to be listed. This poses a unique dilemma for using it as a source for anything relative to my existence. Have any. Thoughts as to using this as a source?

WikiTree profile: Zuladawn Hall
in Genealogy Help by Zuladawn Hall G2G3 (3.3k points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
I would go ahead and use it as a source.  The result is explainable because the census was taken after April 1st and you had already been born but the census is effective April 1st.  So being crossed out is correct for the official count but the fact that your info is there enables you to use it.  

Sometimes mistakes are useful.
by Gurney Thompson G2G6 Pilot (475k points)
selected by Zuladawn Hall
Thanks for commenting. When using it as a source, should I upload a detailed image? Thanks again.
I would Just add the source with a link to the census. Then put a comment in the bio so people understand why the name was crossed out.
+4 votes
The 1950 census recorded who was living at the residence on 1 April 1950.  I see from your Wikitree bio that your birth day was the 4th of April.  According to the rules given to the enumerators, you should not be listed on the census.  It is great that you have an indication that you were there when the enumerator came by. (There should be a date on the top of the page indicating when the information was taken.) I think you can use this as a source, for you can see your name and the date the information was gathered.
by Michelle Enke G2G6 Pilot (434k points)
The date the enumerator took the census was May 25th. Thank you for explaining it. I waited so long for this census to come out, so I was very disappointed in not finding myself to be validated.

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