Uploading a GedCim

+2 votes
I want to upload my ged com eventually from Ancestry because the tree is huge!
WikiTree profile: Bonnie Day
in WikiTree Help by Bonnie Day G2G6 (7.5k points)

3 Answers

+2 votes
After you download your .ged file Ancestry, you will have to load it into another application to split it up. See the help pages in splitting a gedcom file.

You  should then create small gedcom files of not more than 100 people each and then upload them to WT. See the help pages on the GEDCompare process.

It works best if the groups you upload are a family branch.
by Dave Sellers G2G6 Mach 5 (53.0k points)
+2 votes

Dave has given you some good advice. It is best to start small. Here are some help pages that will help, Splitting a GEDCOM will help you with splitting it. Once it is uploaded you will have to add it by working through our GEDCOMpare process. This is a great tutorial page that will help with the Current GEDCOMpare Process.

by Laura DeSpain G2G6 Pilot (435k points)
+2 votes

Bonnie, what Dave says is correct. I hope you are maintaining a personal database which you sync with Ancestry because that will make it so much easier for you to created small GEDCOM files to upload. 

WikiTree does not populate the tree automatically with your GEDCOM. Instead, you will have to review a report called GEDCOMpare and either accept or reject all potential matches between the individuals in your GEDCOM file and those who may already have profiles on WikiTree. This is to prevent creation of duplicates. It would take a very long time to process a GEDCOMpare report based on a "huge" (as you put it) GEDCOM file.

Once you have processed the GEDCOMpare report, you may begin to add, one-by-one, any individuals from your file which did not have a profile already on WikiTree. You will be responsible for "cleaning" the profile created by removing "GEDCOM" junk, formatting a biography and the sources, if any. Remember, every profile needs to have one or more valid sources.

To get started, see this page...Special:UploadGedcom But, please, before that, also read other help pages on GEDCOMS such as Help:GEDCOMpare and Help:GEDCOM-Created_Biographies

by Nelda Spires G2G6 Pilot (580k points)

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