Celebrate your ancestors with a connection to March (2024)

+13 votes

Let's celebrate our ancestors who have a special link to the month of March!  Please answer this post with some words about your ancestor and what you'd like the WikiTree community to know about them.  Don't forget to include their WikiTree ID number so that folks can visit their profile.  Photos are welcome too, though not required.

We'll celebrate your ancestor with a shout out on the Saturday Roundup Livecast; we love stories, so please share whatever you can to bring them to life.

If you need inspiration for which of your ancestors to tell us about, go to your Watchlist and then click on the Anniversaries tab.  It will give you a list of all the significant dates in March for anyone in your watchlist.

in The Tree House by Betsy Ko G2G6 Pilot (149k points)
edited by Betsy Ko

9 Answers

+12 votes

My grandfather Chauncey Brafford was born in 7 Mar 1901 and he passed away 09 Mar 1949. I never got to meet him when he was alive, but I did meet him one time. (There are people that don't believe me that this happened) In high school I was having what panic attacks. One day, sitting on our front porch, I saw a man, dressed in old-fashioned style brown suit w/bowler hat. I heard him say "It's okay, you'll be fine"  From that day on, the panic attacks were gone. I knew it was my grandfather. Before that, I had never really thought about or asked about my Grandpa Brafford. I started asking about him and even got my grandma to show me pictures of him (had never seen one before). My middle brother is the spitting image of him(we even have pictures of each of them with the same stance and expression on their faces taken about 60 years apart). I believe this is when I became interested in genealogy.  I wanted to find out everything I could about him.  

He held many jobs.  He was a conductor on a tram in Detroit, he delivered ice (this is how he met my grandmother), he did not have to go overseas during the WWII because he worked at GarWood Industries working on tank engines (actually my Grandpa Fry also worked at GarWood during the war). 

My mom's favorite memories of him were when they went to the library together every saturday. It was their time together.  Some of my earliest memories are of my mom and I going to the library. It was our time together. We still go to the library together at least once a week.  2 of my brothers and I must have gotten our love of reading from him and our mom--my dad did not like to read. It's very rare that you see ones of us without a book in hand.

by Judith Fry G2G6 Mach 8 (86.3k points)
Hello Judith,

What a powerful story about your grandfather Chauncey.  I too have had an experience or two where I've felt the real presence of an ancestor.  I believe they do look out for us!

We'll celebrate your grandfather on this morning's livecast, 10 am EST/3 pm UTC.  I hope you can join us live or anytime afterwards at this link:



Great story!  Thank you for sharing!
+12 votes

My 3rd great grandfather, John Howell, was born on March 22, 1822. He was born in Ohio and married Eliza Mount at the age of 21 on 18 Jan 1844. They had 7 children - 5 sons and two daughters. He was a coal miner and farmer by trade. He and his oldest son, Hiram Howell, served in the Civil War with the 15th Regiment, Ohio Infantry. Their regiment was considered one of the best in the service as they were in the heat of conflict and saw many battles. Both he and his son survived the war. After returning home, the family moved from Ohio to Illinois, where he worked in an Illinois coal mine. He moved the family back to Ohio by 1880. He died in 1908 at the age of 86 in Guernsey, Ohio.

His parentage is uncertain at this time, but I am conducting a huge DNA research project to break down that brick wall. 

by Shonda Feather G2G6 Pilot (429k points)
Hello Shonda,

What a treasure you have with that obituary clipping on John's profile.  Thank you for sharing him with us!

We'll celebrate John on this morning's livecast, 10 am EST/3 pm UTC.  I hope you can join us live or anytime afterwards at this link:



Cool profile!  My 3rd-great grandfather, Edward George, was also a coal miner.  I'm still working on his profile: [[George-15097|Edward George]]
Thank you! You have a great photo of your ancestors!!
+11 votes

Robert Peel Glanville Blatchford was born on St Patrick's Day 1851 in Maidstone, Kent. He is notable with almost 1000 CC7's . Named after Conservative Prime Minister Robert Peel who died the year before he was born. (The slang name for British police came from Robert Peel; i.e. 'Bobbies' or 'Peelers'). https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Blatchford-274 Robert is my 2nd cousin three times removed. His father was a strolling comedian, his mother was an actress, and his maternal great-grandfather was Italian musician and publisher, Domenico Corri (1746-1825). https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Corri-11

Robert was an English socialist campaigner, journalist, and author in the United Kingdom.

by Patrick Holland G2G6 Mach 5 (59.7k points)
Very cool looking dude.  How do you post a picture inside one of these answers?  I gather you click on the image logo, but where do you find the url?  Is it in a free-space profile? I'm rather new here.
Hi Kimberly,

Welcome to WikiTree!  I'll demo how to insert a photo inside a G2G post on this morning's Saturday Roundup Livecast (10am EDT/2pm UTC).  Here's the link:


Join us live if you can or watch later at any time!


Hello Patrick,

Your cousin Robert's profile makes for a fascinating read; what an accomplished gentleman!  Thanks for sharing him with us.  We'll show his profile on this morning's Saturday Roundup Livecast (10am EDT/2pm UTC).  You can tune in live or later at any convenient time:



Thank you, Betsy.   I will tune in!

+12 votes

D. Manly Price, my great-grandfather, ([[Price-21559|David Manly Price]])  was an engineer on the Chicago, Milwuakee, and St. Paul railroad.  He started out as a fireman and then worked his way up to engineer on the Erie Railroad.  He was a fastidious, punctual, and charismatic man, as all good engineers must be.  He was born March 9 1869 in Wellsville, New York, and died 13 Oct 1927 in Sioux City, Iowa.

by Kimberly Latta G2G6 (9.6k points)
edited by Kimberly Latta
Hi Kimberly,

You're so lucky to know such great detail about your great-grandfather's life.  You're a beautiful writer and tell his rich story with color and eloquence.  

We'll show Manly's profile on this morning's Saturday Roundup Livecast (10am EDT/2pm UTC).  You can tune in live or later at any convenient time:


Hope to see you in the chat!

Thank you very much!  

Sorry I missed the live chat.  I had a previously arranged obligation.
Thanks for the tip for how to add a photo to G2G posts!
And I see you applied the tip right away; what a beautiful photo!
+12 votes

This is a photo taken about 1929 of my great aunt Ruth Long. My favorite story about her is one my mother told me. Ruth was shy and quiet; however, when she was 39 she was dating a confirmed bachelor. He was 49 and had no plans to ever marry. Ruth moved 100 miles away to Kansas City and told him that she was not coming back to Trenton, Missouri unless he married her. He missed her so much that they were soon married and had a wonderful life together. 

She was born 2 March 1907 and passed away 8 March 1992.


by Alexis Nelson G2G6 Pilot (864k points)
What a awesome picture of your great aunt, Ruth long, what a beautiful lady

What a amazing story, like a adventure

Thank you for sharing this photo and story love it
Hi Alexis,

I so enjoyed getting to know your great aunt Ruth through her lovely profile.  Thank you for sharing her with all of us!

We'll celebrate Ruth on this morning's Saturday Roundup Livecast (10am EDT/2pm UTC).  


Hope to see you in the chat if you can join us live.

Beautiful photo, story and a beautiful lady!
Susan, thank you. Ruth was very sweet, and she would laugh and laugh when her two cats would chase each other through her house.
Betsy, thank you, I enjoy watching you on the Saturday Roundup.
+9 votes

Melvin Wine was my first cousin twice removed. Even though he could had to walk with two canes he could sure play that fiddle. The most interesting part about him was that he could not read a bit or read a note

I had the opportunity to go to his 90th birthday party, and the opportunity to meet him a 2nd time when my sister and I went to Charleston West Virginia to do some research. I remember his hands being warm and a glow to his body. and he was always smiling.

Below is a video of him playing the fiddle

Melvin Wine - Twin Sisters (youtube.com)

by Chris Wine G2G6 Mach 5 (54.2k points)
Hi Chris,

I was so glad to get to know about Melvin Wine's contributions to music.  How wonderful that you were able to meet him.  We'll celebrate him on today's livecast.  I hope that you can join us live or anytime afterwards:



+7 votes

First of all, my mother Vicki Borchers, was born march 21, 1956. Here's a photo of us from 1981.

There's an exceptional connection to march in my mother's family. My grandfather Guillermo b.1931, his brother Alberto b.1935, and their father Willy Borchers b.1894, share the same birth date: march 11. 

by Vicki Blanco Borchers G2G6 Mach 7 (72.0k points)
Hi Vicki!  I saw this in the nick of time.  I hope you'll be tuning in this morning.  We missed you last week.

Vicki, your mother is certainly beautiful, and you are adorable. You look so much like your mother. Thank you for sharing such a lovely photo.
+5 votes
On Saturday, March 30, my Grama Jean, [[Detwiiler-238]] would have been 106 years old.  I was so fortunate to have known her!  Grama endured a childhood of upheaval and despite her circumstances was able to create an amazing life with her husband and two daughters.  She had an amazing work ethic, leading to creating a mail sorting company during World War II with two other military wives.  She also started raising her own chickens and garden during the war.  Because of these two things, she was able to give her ration stamps to other families who were more in need.  She's my role model.  I am so thankful God gave her to me!
by Christine Miller G2G6 Mach 6 (64.8k points)
edited by Christine Miller
+5 votes

MY connection to March Is my BEST FRIEND BARB [[Herschman-7]] She was born on the 25 March 1952 and died on 1 Nov 2010 from cancer. We were friends from the first to the end of her beautiful life.  We enjoyed square dancing, gambling and knitting together. Before she died we went on a 7 day Alaskan cruise, This was one of our bucket lists items. We had a fantastic time,  I really miss her this month and every day. our last cruise trip together.

Myself and my BBF Barb

by Anne Fiordalisi G2G6 Mach 6 (68.7k points)
edited by Anne Fiordalisi

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