New Category: Migrants from Unknown Swedish County to Nebraska?

+4 votes

I would like advice or may need help creating a new migration category for the profile of Erick Peterson. He emigrated from a (currently unknown) county in Sweden and settled in Omaha, Nebraska, USA. The category might be named something like:

Category: Migrants from Unknown Swedish County to Nebraska

Could I get help creating the new category? Or is there an existing category to use? Thank you!

WikiTree profile: Eric Peterson
in Policy and Style by Rick Peterson G2G6 Pilot (190k points)
edited by Rick Peterson

2 Answers

+8 votes
That's not a valid county name, so in its place, just use "Sweden" and it will be [[Category:Nebraska, Immigrants from Sweden]].
by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)

Hi Natalie,

Thanks for responding. The migration category name that I suggested is based on the Nordic/Sweden Project Emigration Category instructions found here. Are those instructions no longer accurate?

Steps 2 and 3 are consistent with the migration category procedure.
I support Natalie's answer about Step 1.
I have requested guidance from others in the Nordic Project Categories team as the guidelines may need to be updated. There are currently migration categories for Unknown County, Sweden to Australia, New Zealand, Canada (with a Manitoba sub-category), and the United States (with 10 states already created).
I believe these were allowed and are used by the project similar to maintenance categories for team members to work and thus eventually move the profile into the correct County category.

Thanks Steve and Jeffrey for your responses. I won't add a Sweden migration category right now and will await further clarification.

The Sweden migration category structure is listed as "approved" in the Nordic Project - Categories Team Page, so if what's documented there or in the linked Sweden Project - Category Instructions Emigration Categories section is no longer correct, then the project page documentation does need to be updated.

Also the Sweden "unknown county" migration categories that are listed in the Sweden migration category instructions are not currently categorized as maintenance categories for Sweden. So, if that's the intent, they may need to be moved within the Sweden category structure.

Meanwhile, I'll go back to pursuing finding my ancestor's Sweden county of origin. :)

+12 votes
It looks like Erick Peterson managed to cross the pond retaining a correct birth date - and one that falls within the range where the birth index of ArkivDigital has full coverage.

A search for an Eri*
born 1838-03-08
to a father Pe* Hansson
renders one single hit: Erik, born in Hökhuvud parish (Uppland) to farmer Per Hansson in Ånö and his wife Greta Lena Ersdotter.
Hökhuvuds kyrkoarkiv, Födelse- och dopböcker, SE/ULA/10473/C/4 (1830-1861), bildid: C0047865_00064, sida 104 -

A nice touch was getting a mother with Lena in her name without including her in the search. I find it pretty convincing.

The last household record where I find him with the family is: Hökhuvuds kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/ULA/10473/A I/16 (1856-1860), bildid: C0047856_00173, sida 161 - - the family is at the bottom of the page. Erik went to Uppsala in 1856. There's a remark noted to the far right that he calls himself Pettersson.
by Eva Ekeblad G2G6 Pilot (583k points)
Hi Eva,

Thank you for finding these records! I agree that it's pretty convincing that the records are for my migrating ancestor, Eric/k Peterson, based on the exact birth date, the parents' names, and the remark that he calls himself Pettersson.

I don't have an ArkivDigital account, but I will do more research using my Ancestry World subscription and the records at Riksarkivet.

Thanks, again!
ArkivDigital is very good for finding someone "out of the blue" like this. I don't expect that you need a subscription to follow up the leads for Erik-from-Hökhuvud and his parents. Ancestry and Riksarkivet should go a long way.

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