2018 Spring Clean-a-Thon: Spic-n-Span Scandinavians Team Chat

+15 votes

Hello, Spic-n-Span Scandinavian Team Members!!! 

It's time to get geared up for the 2018 Spring Clean-a-Thon! You can see the link to our free-space page below, and that's where you can let us know what you're working on, see who our other team members are and find links to our suggestion reports.

Here are some links to important information:

I'll be adding more information here as things gear up. In the meantime, feel free to post an Answer to start your own thread where you can report in and where we can cheer you on! :-)

If you haven't joined our team yet, be sure to go to the official sign-up post to get registered, and then pop over to our free-space page and add your name to the member list and let us know what you plan to work on.

in The Tree House by Julie Ricketts G2G6 Pilot (492k points)
edited by Julie Ricketts

Do you want to help recruit team members? Click below to see lists of people who are interested in Scandinavian countries. You can message them and see if they'd like to participate:

Be sure that you send them to the official sign-up post, or they won't be properly registered.
The Super Sweepers Team thanks each and every Team for joining the Clean-a-thon and challenge each Team to do their best to make WikiTree healthier! Let’s give our Best Shot!

Thank you for participating in the 2019 Spring Clean-a-thon, the real Winner is WikiTree.

12 Answers

+9 votes

Soon time for some spring cleaning! The cleaning starts just past midnight on Saturday morning at 12:01 EDT (GMT -4), April 21, i.e. after midnight Friday night. 

EDT is the same as New York time if you have an extra clock on your computer showing different time zones.

For most Scandinavians this means we start cleaning Saturday morning 06.01 if you are in the same timezone as Stockholm.


Snart dags för lite vårstädning! Vi börjar städa den 21:e, på lördag morgon eller snarare precis efter midnatt på fredag kväll om man hör till tidszonen EDT.

Det gör ju inte de flesta Skandinaver så för oss gäller klockan 06 på morgonen istället (om man utgår från tidszonen för Stockholm). Har man en "world clock" på sin dator kan man ställa in den på New York så ser du tidszonen EDT.

by Maggie Andersson G2G6 Pilot (153k points)
+9 votes

Hi all!

I will be working on Swedish profiles;  

  • first I want to clear my own suggestion list, adopted some profiles and the errors too... unfortunately
  • second  I will check if there are any suggestions for the profiles managed by the Sweden Project
  • and third I will work on some of the early Swedish profiles, pre-1700 and se if I can empty those columns on the DBE list for Sweden

Edit; I will be working on Sunday, lucky we have two captains :-)

by Maggie Andersson G2G6 Pilot (153k points)
edited by Maggie Andersson
Monday morning in Sweden comes with thunder and lightning today, perfect for an indoor activity (as long as nothing happens with the electricity).

Will make me some coffee and get on with it...
Too tired today to work old profiles, switching to ordinary DBE list for Sweden...
+9 votes
I'll be concentrating on the Norwegian error list, and doing as much as my toddler will allow :)
by Rakelle Teschner G2G6 Mach 5 (51.5k points)
I feel bad for UNKNOWN-215859. Someone bothered to create her, but with no last name, no family, no nothing except that she died and was buried.

I'm going to hang on to this one and see if I can figure out who she was one day, poor thing.
+8 votes
I will work on Norwegian errors. But I am open to working on something else, if needed.
by Susan Hughes G2G6 Mach 4 (46.7k points)
+10 votes
I'm going to be working on my own Suggestion list because of the language barrier, but I will try to focus first on the Swedish side of my family. :-)
by Julie Ricketts G2G6 Pilot (492k points)
I'm guessing that is not all you will be doing... ;-)

If the other members of the team don't already know it, you can see Julie in the Hang-outs during the Thon for example, she is working "behind the scenes" as well as being our Team Leader.
You're funny, Maggie!!

And, yes, you'll see my sleepy eyes in most of the videos. ;-) (I'm skipping those in the middle of the night.)
+8 votes
Are you leaving all of Finland to me? Challenge accepted. I will be attending a dog show Saturday, but Sunday is free for WT.
by Juha Soini G2G6 Pilot (121k points)
It's all yours, Juha!!

Have fun at the dog show. :-)
What breed? We breed Standard Poodles.  See EmeraldCoastBreeders.com
We have Gordon setters.
How did you do?

No wins this time. smiley

+8 votes

Hi All!

I will look at the danish profiles.

My priority list using the headlines:

  1. cleaning up the gender
  2. Privacy
  3. Vikidata

But I only have sunday, for this task.

by Jacob Nielsen G2G1 (1.3k points)
+8 votes


How not to merge when someone else is managing your duplicate:

Remove all your person's family, recycle it into an unknown profile, and recycle that into someone else...

And end up with a Norwegian duplicate lady's link directing to some Irish fellow instead.

(I've messaged the person responsible. Recycling is best done elsewhere!)

by Rakelle Teschner G2G6 Mach 5 (51.5k points)

What! It's been done now during the Thon?

I think that sounds so bad that you should probably file an MIR, Mentor Intervention Request That kind of behaviour can create havoc and not all that easy to untangle when it's been a while.

All I found so far was someone removing United States (too early in time) but not replacing it with anything, possibly just looking for aquiring points fast probably.

It was done about a week ago.

So, it can be untangled still?
Yes, it probably can but I think the person doing this should be kept under observation.

Let's wait and see what Julie has to say when she checks the thread.
Maggie, even if wrongly formatted, replacing a place with NOTHING should be criminal!  We need more place names, even if they aren't perfect!  I know you're busy now, but I hope you'll find time to 'educate' the miscreant!
I found a discussion about wrong merges from about a year ago which indicated that a botched merge was irreversible :/

I read the mentor intervention request thing, will see if she responds in any way to the 'please do not recycle stuff' message I left on her page.
I'm looking at the 'USA too soon' list for Norway and hoo boy, that stuff is going to need sourcing to be fixed. Dakota in 1717? I think not.

I suspect some of them are caused by people starting to type a scandi place name and autocompleting an US place name.
The person who merged wrong apologised and thanked me for letting her know this was a problem. So I gave her a little more info about what merges really do to profiles, and pointed her towards the PIP if she ever is unsure what to do with a profile again.

Hi, R (and Maggie and Rob) --

I'm glad you got a friendly response regarding the merge. When something like this happens, I will usually suggest that people work through the New Member tutorials that we started last year -- even if they're an "old" member, because we didn't have tutorials before Mar 2017. Most people are grateful to know they exist and welcome the opportunity to learn more.

The only way to untangle merges is to recreate the merged-away profiles. It takes quite a bit of work and, depending on how the merges took place, can be quite complicated at times.

Anyway, I'm glad things worked out as best as they could!

By the way, you are our top team contributor!! Nicely done!!!
Thank you :) (fixing æ ø å errors and such takes much less time and concentration than sourcing does :D )

I've also connected with a Norwegian lady whose recent entries were causing LNAB punctuation errors all over the place. I'm going to do what I can to help her with the profiles she wants to add :)
Perfect! I'm sure she'll appreciate the help!
+9 votes

Hi, I'll start doing stuff now.

Before noon I was in a real archive looking in a book from 1795! (Arkivcentrum Syd).

/ Maria

by Maria Lundholm G2G6 Pilot (233k points)
I decided to start on

Sweden, 406 Marriage after death.
After fixing the ones that I'm sure of, I went on to

Sweden, Error 861 Inline citation doesn't start with <ref>
+7 votes
Did anyone else get the page with the message from Ales to take a short break? Ha! I guess I will do that now then.

In all fairness, though, I didn't spend all morning correcting errors. I got sidetracked by finding someone's unknown father and then 9 half-siblings. How do you keep from being sidetracked?
by E Kippner G2G6 Mach 3 (31.6k points)

How do you keep from being sidetracked?

I don't!! :-D

I'm working through one of my family surnames, and I keep finding all kinds of sources. So, I just go with it. ;-)

I decided early not to be competitive this year as I would work on early profiles errors. I'm also adding many of my adoptees to be maintained by Sweden Project and adding maintenance categories in order to work more on them after the Thon.
That sounds like a great plan, Maggie!
+11 votes
Would any of you be interested in having a Google Hangout??

Just the text version, not with video or anything. It would just be an immediate way for us to encourage each other and answer questions.

The only problem I can see with this is that you all can speak in your native tongue, and I won't have any idea what you're saying!!! hahaha!!
by Julie Ricketts G2G6 Pilot (492k points)
Thanks Julie for leading the team! I've not been very efficient, and did just a bit over 30 corrections totally. But I guess every correction counts :-)

Time to stop wikitreeing and to prepare for going to work tomorrow. I wish all the team good luck with further work in the clean-a-thon!

Lovely spring weather here in the south of Sweden!
I tend to even forget to check the Teams video hangouts this year...
So, I'll take those both as "No thank yous". :-)

And that's perfectly fine!! I'm not sure I'd be able to be there very often, anyway, the way things have been going. It's been a somewhat busy weekend.
+8 votes

Thank you all for participating in the Clean-a-Thon!!!

Together we cleared 890 errors during these days and that's great for our small team of just 8 people!! A special thanks to RL Teschner who did a whopping 384 of the teams contributions!

The total errors corrected during the weekend was 152.253 according to the last update. That's really is a good spring cleaning!

by Maggie Andersson G2G6 Pilot (153k points)

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