Could the requests page reload please?

+8 votes
Currently your whole watchlist have to load each time just to give a confirmation that you have approved a trusted list request Couldn't the requests page just be reloaded please?
in WikiTree Tech by Louis Heyman G2G6 Mach 9 (96.8k points)

2 Answers

+7 votes

Click here for the Help Page for Adding to the Trusted List.

How do Watchlists Relate to Trusted Lists?

All the profiles on which you are on the Trusted List comprise your WatchlistHere is yours.

Help:Trusted List FAQ

by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Thanks for taking the time to reply David. Would you be so kind as to explain your answer to me.☺
Hi Louise, you go to the profile that you are going to add someone to the trusted list for and click the privacy tab and at the bottom, you will see add to the trusted list, add their WikiTree email address and click add. You will also see a space to click to add the person to other profiles you manage trusted list. It is called bulk trusted listed additions.
I'm sorry, I cannot see how it answers my question? How does this make the watchlist page's list not show up after a request has been confirmed?
+5 votes
Hi Louis,

I'm not sure I understand what you mean.

Let's see ... it currently works like this: A sends a Trusted List request to B. B receives the e-mail and clicks to approve it. After adding B to the Trusted List, A sees a form that includes their entire Watchlist so that they can add A to other Trusted Lists, if desired.

You're saying you don't think A should be invited to add B to other Trusted Lists? It could just be a link to do this elsewhere.

I may be misunderstanding. I'm not sure what you mean by reloading the "requests page."

by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Hi Chris,

Thanks for replying, I was working from the Drop down menu - Requests.

It opens the list of pending requests. When I click to approve a request the page then displays the "A sees a form that includes their entire watchlist so that they can add A to other Trusted Lists if desired.

I would like to go back to the Lists that you get when you click on the drop down menu "Requests"

The reason being that it takes long to load the whole watchlist though I can see the value in why it was done. However I think it is rarely if ever used.

It takes very long with larger watchlists and takes forever to approve two or three requests.

Thank you for taking the time to respond.
Now I see. Thanks.

Your Watchlist isn't extraordinarily large (currently at 1,900, when our recommended limit is 5,000) so if you are having trouble waiting for it to load, I'm surprised others aren't reporting the same issue.

We'll wait and see if others have the problem.


Learn something new every day.  Didn’t know about the Requests page. Shows the importance of getting to know the drop down menus.  

There’s a bug in the program that generates this page. It’s not catching completed requests to TLs of Space pages. My list includes at least two “not yet competed” requests that have been completed.
Correction. Not just Freespace pages. Looks like if you request TL access to any page/profile that has multiple Profile Managers, when one of those PMs grants access, the others remain as outstanding requests.  Ideally the program would figure that out and clear those other requests.
I'll put that on our list of bugs to look into Jillaine.
Thank you, Abby.

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