ABBA Connection Game: Frida Lyngstad Reuß vs Agnetha Fältskog

+23 votes

This week's Connection game features the female members of ABBA: Frida Reuß and Agnetha Fältskog.

Here's how the game is played:

  1. Check your connection to Frida Reuß and Agnetha Fältskog (click "Connection to Me" in each profile pull-down menu).
  2. Click "Answer this post" below. Choose Team Frida or Team Agnetha and say how many degrees are in your chosen connection path.
  3. See if you can verify each relationship along your connection path with a reliable source [more explanation].
  4. Post comments below your answer as you progress and when you run into trouble. Someone else might be able to help.

The player with the closest verified connection wins! For overachievers, there are also seven additional ways to win and enter the Connection Combat Hall of Fame.

Will you join us? Answer below.

This game runs from May 7-14.

You can also chat live on Discord and ask for help there.

in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker

P.S. Share the spread the word!

We're considering changes to this game for future weeks.

Please see and give feedback at

Thank you!

Are we allowed to add Anni-Frid Lyngstad's partner Henry Smith to her profile?  Doesnt apply to blood relationship but because the question is around degrees of connection, it would be valid from that point of view?


17 Answers

+16 votes
Team Frida for me! 27 degrees. *wanders off humming Dancing Queen*
by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
+13 votes
Team Frida for me at 26 degrees. (I'm 34 from Agnetha, which I'm going to try to bring down.)
by Erin Breen G2G6 Pilot (349k points)
+12 votes
I am 24 Degrees from Frida - so Team Frida for me...
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+12 votes
Clearly Team Frida for me! 19 degrees, vs. 31 for Agnetha.
by Roy Østensen G2G6 Mach 1 (11.4k points)
+6 votes
Team Frida. 27 degrees.
by Kim Sutherland Mills G2G6 (7.0k points)
+10 votes
Team Frida Lygstad 21 degrees

Agnetha Fältskog 39 degrees
by Kari Undbekken G2G6 Mach 6 (65.2k points)
+9 votes
28 degrees from Frida. 34 degrees from Agnetha
by Femmy Le Roux G2G Crew (860 points)
+10 votes
I'm team Frida with 28 degrees.
by Lyn Young G2G6 (9.1k points)
+13 votes
Team Agnetha for me: 9 degrees. (28 degrees from Frida)
by Anders Lönnermark G2G6 Mach 1 (18.0k points)

As far as I understand, I have now verified each relationship along my connection path to Agnetha with reliable sources. Furthermore I have also made sure that the path is "weevil-free". My only challenge right now is that the last two steps (including Agnetha) along the path are living notables and I do not have access to the profiles, and, therefore, I cannot add the relevant sources there.

+11 votes
27 degrees from Frida - 35 degrees from Agnetha. So it looks like Frida is the word !!!
by Greg Sansom G2G Crew (860 points)
+12 votes

I'll take my chances and go with Agnetha Fältskog at 33 degrees.cheeky

by J Head G2G6 Mach 2 (24.1k points)
+8 votes
Team Frida with 26 degrees (33 degrees for Agnetha)
by Elaine Beaulieu G2G2 (2.7k points)
+6 votes
25 from Frida!
by Robert Hvitfeldt G2G6 Pilot (261k points)
+8 votes
Team Frida at 25 degrees on Wikitree

but only 18 on geni because it has partner with whom there are children

some which comes from really remarkable research and networking with the results (finding a second cousin who played Wimbledon for South Africa on the male line on one side and connecting one of my favorite fellow researchers and finding that she was a second cousin on the female side. )

Only reason we had not found it was there were 3 critical mistakes on her grandfather's WW1 death certificate

1) wrong spelling of his mother.
2) wrong maiden name of his wife (had her remarried name)
3) wrong gender of their child - they said Erie but it was Eric

Then on the child; marriage certificate, he filled in his middle name as Pfeilitzer correctly but the Afrikkaner pastor changed it to Phf and made them all initial.  

This defies soundex so wasnt coming through google.  

Interestingly, his wife had to fill out two of her brothers (very sad thing), one in England and the other in Australia.  Anzac records are phenomenal which is why I could connect them to my partner in crime.  

So maybe some additons to trees to follow here.

I could likely shrink that to 16 if I could get my St. KItts done because of the Pagets
by Lloyd de Vere Hunt G2G6 Mach 4 (47.5k points)
edited by Lloyd de Vere Hunt
+3 votes
Frida 29 degrees away, Agnetha 34 - so neither are close to me although I do have a high genetic 'viking index' (lots of my ancestors were from parts of the British isles that were colonized).
by David Moss G2G6 Pilot (122k points)
Hmm, not sure a lot of viking connections will be in Wikitree, a bit hard with all the "written sources" stuff :)

Yes, but the vikings are all descendants of woden-1 so that helps !smiley

+3 votes

Agnetha Fältskog is 25 Degrees from me!

0: Agnetha Fältskog

1: = Björn Ulvaeus (her husband)- Private

2: ↑ Erik Gunnar Andersson (his father)

3: ↑ Erik Alexius Andersson (his father)

4: ↑ August Andersson (his father)

5: ↔ Peter Andersson (his brother)

6: ↓ Johan Pettersson (his son)

7: ↓ Anna-Lisa Petterson (his daughter)

8: = Eskil Rodén (her husband)

9: ↑ Johanna Eriksson (his mother)

10: ↔ Erik Eriksson (her brother)

11: ↓ Enok Friman (his son)

12: = Eva Sofia Elisabet Lindström (his wife)

13: ↑ Augusta Lindström (her mother)

14: ↔ Helga Lindström (her sister) Unable to verify

15: ↓ Margaret Hedfors (her daughter) done

16: ↓ Theodore Hallquist (her son) done

17: = Rosemary Matlock (his wife) done

18: ↑ Frances Ramsey (her mother) PRIVATE-unable to see if parents are confident or mark as confident

19: ↔ Eura Ramsey (her brother) done

20: = Nina Burns (his wife) done

21: ↔ Ethel Burns (her sister) done

22: = Virgil Woods (her husband) done

23: ↔ Mary Woods (his sister) done

24: ↓ Mary Frances James (her daughter) done

25: ↓ M. Tull (her daughter) done

by M. Meredith G2G6 Pilot (144k points)
What is not verified with Helga Lindström? Is it because not both parents are not verified for her sister? To me it seems the sister-relation is verified.
Hi John,

Thanks for replying. I am unable to translate the documents going up this line from Helga. I see sources; however, my inability to interpret is my  problem.  I should have articulated more effectively. Any help appreciated.
Ah, ok, I get it! I'm at work so unable to access the actual images atm.
+2 votes

Frida it is!

I'm 26 degrees from Frida and 33 degrees from Agnetha.

Anni-Frid Synni Reuß is 26 Degrees from Jerry Medlock

  1. Lyngstad-27.jpgAnni-Frid Synni Lyngstad
  2. imageRuzzo Reuß
    (her husband)
  3. imageLouise Peyron
    (his mother)
  4. imageGustaf Karl Knut Bartolome Peyron
    (her father)
  5. imageGustaf Fredrik Peyron
    (his father)
  6. imageGustav Oskar Peyron
    (his father)
  7. imageAnne Björkenstam
    (his mother)
  8. imageMatilda Björkenstam
    (her sister)
  9. imageKarl Cassel
    (her husband)
  10. imageViktor Cassel
    (his brother)
  11. Cassel-632.pngSelma Cassel
    (his daughter)
  12. Clark-67548.pngPearl Clark
    (her daughter)
  13. Stevens-9737-1.pngVirginia Stevens
    (her daughter)
  14. image[private person]
  15. Rogers-9460.jpgMelanie Rogers
    (their daughter)
  16. image[private person]
  17. Ganger-38.jpgMable Granger
    (their mother)
  18. Richards-17408.pngAlvin Granger
    (her father)
  19. Jeffcoat-376.pngLottie Jeffcoat
    (his mother)
  20. imageJoshua Jeffcoat
    (her father)
  21. imageMary King
    (his mother)
  22. imageMary King
    (her sister)
  23. imageLott Prince
    (her son)
  24. imageJohn Prince
    (his son)
  25. imageRetha Prince
    (his daughter)
  26. imageHerman Spivey
    (her son)
  27. imageJerry Spivey
    (his son)

Jerry (Spivey-1619)

by Jerry Medlock G2G6 Mach 1 (11.3k points)

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