How are tree tops "Contributors by Surname" counts calculated?

+6 votes
How are tree tops "Contributors by Surname" counts calculated?

The April tree tops report shows that I had "3 profiles edited with the "Fentress" surname.

When I Click on the number (3 in this case) to see which profiles were edited. I am presented with at list of 9 profiles edited in April.  Of the 9 :
1 was a new link to a child of Fentress-50.
6 were new links to 6 different children of Fentress-54. (one of these children was a privacy = unlisted profile)
2 were updates to my own profile Fentress-129.

So where doe the '3' come from?
WikiTree profile: David Fentress
in WikiTree Tech by David Fentress G2G6 (9.9k points)

1 Answer

+10 votes
Best answer

My understanding is that the '3' is the number of different Fentress profiles that you have edited, so in this case Fentress-50, Fentress-54 and Fentress-129. It doesn't matter how many or how few changes were made to each profile, or what the changes were, just which different profiles with that last name had at least one contribution.

by Paul Masini G2G6 Pilot (399k points)
selected by David Fentress
OK - that must be the answer.  Thank you for your help.
Here is the help page with more detail on how contributions are counted:

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