Connecting traveling postman, who was probably born in Boston?

+3 votes

Hi there,

today I learned about the Oakland postman Bernard J. Connolly, the guy who went to 21 European cities to deliver mail there. One of them was my hometown, where he went with the Olympic medal winning local postman, who had been trained by the husband of my great-grandmother.

This was enough for me to create the profile and to upload some of the photographs of the event. Unfortunately I don't find anything about his birth in Massachusetts, except a census mentioning him as having lived in Boston.

Is somebody a bit more experienced in the area maybe able to connect him to the big tree?

WikiTree profile: Bernard Connolly
in Genealogy Help by Florian Straub G2G6 Pilot (206k points)
retagged by Florian Straub

2 Answers

+4 votes
I worked on his FamilySearch profile a bit but did not get far enough to connect him to any existing wikitree profile's
by Michelle Ketcham G2G6 Mach 2 (25.1k points)

Thanks for creating Colman Conneely (1895-1979)

+3 votes
Added a possible marriage record for his parents to Research Notes. It names their parents as well.
by M Johnson G2G5 (5.8k points)
That seems to be for a different person with the same name. Note the age. Also I found him in Massachusetts in 1940. See profile attached to marriage you linked.

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