Unconnected People

+9 votes
I have been working on the unconnected profiles on my Watchlist. The more I work the longer the list of unconnected becomes. I know that having a wider net is more likely to catch a twig and attach to a branch, but it is frustrating.

Current problem is a line (with 19 connections to each other)  in Wisconsin. Most born there except a couple of immigrants, Norway and Scotland. Most also died there. Birthdates from 1850s through 1950s.

I hoped that the time period and location (good records for both) would help me connect to the main tree, but no luck.

Any search ideas would be welcome, I have tried the missing links, but the surnames are all very common and I have not had luck with that.

I do know the link person, an in-law whose line this is. But she has forbidden adding her profile. I actually have the same situation with another in-law, but that is only 6 profiles.

Just looking for advice and encouragement.
in The Tree House by Kristina Adams G2G6 Pilot (361k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
I removed the underscores (_) between the tags on your question. Underscore is needed to connect words that are part of the same tag (example: new_york), but it should not be used to connect unrelated tags.

9 Answers

+7 votes
No advice, because I don't know a better way. My connections are pretty much luck. Have you tried trying to keep going back to those who lived in Norway and Scotland? I had fairly good luck with finding ancestors in Norway. There are some fairly good resources for the 1800s. It takes more time because of the naming conventions in Norway, but it might be possible to connect in Norway. I don't know about Scotland.
by Lynnette Hettrick G2G6 Mach 5 (58.1k points)
+8 votes
I sometimes find it difficult to find a connection to the tree when working on unconnected branches. I am familiar with both Wisconsin and Norway records so if you need another person to help research and add more profiles in the hopes of finding a match send me a pm and I'll see if I can help.
by Jeffrey Wall G2G6 Mach 6 (68.3k points)
+12 votes
I often look at the FamilySearch tree to see if I can attach the people here somehow. I realize the tree there can be wrong, so I look for sources to back up the tree info.
by Lincoln Lowery G2G6 Mach 6 (68.7k points)
+11 votes
If you give an example of one of the 19 Wisconsin profiles, I can have a try at connecting the branch.
by N Gauthier G2G6 Pilot (300k points)
I tried to use wikitree+ to figure out which unconnected branch it was and didn't see one with 19 profiles. However I did find one with 15 unconnected profiles that you manage and will outline how it can be connected.

- I chose one of the less common surnames to me Woolever-487.

- Saw that it has a FindAGrave source which I looked at.

- Went back as far as the FG pages would go to Daniel Woolever.

- Did a wikitree search for that name and found a connected Daniel Woolever-228 with same dates.

- So you can create the intervening sourced profiles and connect the branch of 15 profiles up.
This is the same technique that I use to make connections.

One thing that N didn't say was to make sure the connections are accurate (names, dates and places) on Find A Grave before creating them on WikiTree.
Thank you for making the extra effort.  I will follow the leads you gave me. Interesting that Daniel Woolever did not come when I was searching before making a new profile. I just did not dig deep  enough, I guess.

I think I will try wikitree+, I have avoided it only because I get most of what I want here and using Sourcer. And it will confuse me at first!
Remember that wikitree+ updates it's wikitree database only once per week, about Mondays.

Here is a some quick start help for using wikitree+ to access the branch I outlined.

To see your unconnected I went to...

- https://plus.wikitree.com/default.htm

- on the left go down to TEXT SEARCH

- I entered the following for your wiktree id ... Voorhees-281 unconnected Wisconsin

- and that is where I saw and picked Woolever-487

- then at https://plus.wikitree.com/default.htm, on the left hand side, I went to PERSON'S TREE and entered Woolever-487 which showed me that the unconnected branch was 15
Thank you!
+6 votes
Hi, so I feel you. I don't often venture from my own tree now and generally only do so if it's a surname I have a good handle on, or in an area where I have a large personal tree only (Yorkshire, England). It's also why i haven't put my in-laws trees on.

However, when I am looking at something disconnected (as I've done quite a bit of work on graveyards near my Mum's house) is build a quick and dirty sideways large tree using the censuses - i have an ancestry subscription so in a couple of hours can build a Victorian tree out to a hundred or so profiles. I then import the gedcom and check for any potential matches. If there are none, I delete the gedcom and carry on widening. I focus on the second half of the nineteenth century because the records are easily accessible and it's basically add a couple of censuses for a family, marry off the easy children, add censues for the families of their spouses etc. I always focus on the easy obvious options (so would stop if I hit a Smith for example). I go sideways rather than backwards because the records are more readily available and I think you are more likely to connect into someone elses tree that way.

Once I've hit a potential connection I go back and work through just the profiles I need to create the connection to double check the quick and dirty part. At that point I tend to be using BMD indices to source. They are about the quickest way to very basically source a profile.

I can then go back to the slower, methodical work of adding in the profiles I want to work on. The light touch sourced profiles remain in my watchlist and I keep chipping away at those too (currently working on the earliest last edit date as a way of making sure I don't miss out any profiles).

Someone else has also mentioned FamilySearch, but I will often check for the profile there and hunt around the family a bit, often going backwards in time because I presume older ancestors are more likely to be someone's shared ancestors. As the other answerer has said, that still needs to be backed up with proper research, but identifying a potential route helps. I use other people's ancestry trees for this purpose too.

With both ancestry and familysearch it's often easy to spot what I would call "quality" profiles, where it looks like someone has spent more time doing their own research than just copying other people's trees. My "guess" is that they are the ones that are most likely to have had wiki-treer engagement and hence a slightly more likely route to finding a profile I can connect into.

Hope some of this helps.
by Natasha Houseman G2G6 Mach 2 (25.1k points)
+4 votes
It’s always the way… I had one group up well over 100 before I found a connection!

I find chasing siblings and their marriages and children can help, at least it widens the number of potential differing surnames that may link. And also looking for marriages in the area with the correct surnames.

And sometimes I look at Wikitree for who lived locally in the right time frame to see if I can link to their surname.

My unconnected list is always up higher than I’d like, as if I spot someone interesting whilst looking for someone I’m researching, I add them to go back to later. This is my year of working on my unconnected list though!
by L Greer G2G6 Mach 8 (80.5k points)
+5 votes
I've got a ton of unconnected profiles on my watchlist. That's partly from doing some work on USBH (generally stops at the 1870 census, and that's if you're lucky) also I recently started a one-place study, so I'm adding various people from various families, but not going very far back on them, at least at this point.

Getting sourced profiles entered is the first step. Finding a connection to the global tree is a later step, and that can happen now or it can happen 20 years from now. I'm not too worried about it.
by Rob Neff G2G6 Pilot (139k points)
+4 votes

Thank you to everyone who sent good ideas to try. I am sure I will get them attached eventually.

These are the two lowest twigs on the 19 profile tree.

William Neil Stevenson 

Valborg Elnora (Johnson) Stevenson 

Thank you all again.

by Kristina Adams G2G6 Pilot (361k points)

William Neil Stevenson's uncle was already on Wikitree as https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Steele-11090 . I have just made the connection so it should show in the connected to me option shortly. 

The way I found it was checking for a FamilySearch profile for the various WikiTree profiles then searching for ones not on WikiTree and would have expanded it to a plus two search if needed. 

Thank you for the help, I need to look at why I had not added that one, I was trying to do all siblings, spouses, etc on generations.

I use both Family Search and Ancestry using trees as clues, they really are helpful.

Thanks again.
I have done the same thing so many times. Missed adding a profile when that was the one already on WikiTree. That is why a fresh set of eyes usually finds the things people are searching for.

Glad to be of help.
I tried the Connection finder, and he is connected to me now (probably was all along). But absolutely not through the sister-in-law. We are connected through my maternal grandmother (21 degrees).

Thatʻs what makes WikiTree fun.
I linked it up on the info I shared earlier.
+5 votes
One thing I try  with sucess on my USA unconnected (not on my English ones) I use familysearch as a working model then see how far I can back on each line then see if the earlier profiles are on wikitree . Often its a Great Uncle and not a direct ancestor so by then adding the missing profiles it becomes connected.

I have tried this approach on my English unconnected Profiles but with limited sucess, I just think there isnt enough for it to work. But I have connected two or more unconnected lines.
by Heather Jenkinson G2G6 Pilot (132k points)

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