2024 February Connectors Monthly Challenge [closed]

+29 votes

Hi Connectors! The February Connectors Challenge starts February 1st 


This is a monthly challenge and open to everyone. The goal is to connect unconnected branches to the main tree by attaching relatives, either through the creation of new profiles, connecting to existing profiles, or by completing merges. 

Scoring is of branches connected to the tree, not individual profiles. So, whether a branch consists of two people or ninety-two people, it still counts as ONE connection. Unlike the Connect-a-Thon, only actual connections made are counted, not the number of profiles created to get to a connection. Connectors Challenge page

The Connector’s Challenge Rules:

 1. Pick an existing profile (created before this month’s challenge began) that is not currently connected to the Global Family Tree. (Hint: If you are a member of the Connectors Project, you’ll see a yellow puzzle piece icon next to that person’s name at the top of their profile if they aren’t connected.)

2. Add a profile for any first degree relative for that profile (a parent, spouse, child, or sibling). Continue adding first degree relatives until you run into a profile that is already connected to the Global Family Tree that you can attach to. Remember to use good sources to support the creation or connection of every profile you make! Please be aware that it takes 24 hours for the tree to update and show the connection.

3. ANSWER this post. This lets us know that you’re participating in this month’s challenge and let us know below whom you are working on.  Use the Challenge Tracker to record your connections. Just be sure you comment “Connected to Smith-000” when you make the connection to the already existing, already connected profile. Replace Smith-000 with the actual profile ID of the starting profile you were trying to connect. 

4. Remember the tally is not of profiles created (like the Connect-a-Thon) but of actual connections made to the Global Family Tree. You might connect a whole branch of profiles and make 100 new profiles in the process of making a connection, but the connection only counts as 1.

5. If you enjoy challenges, keep in mind that adding good sources to any existing profiles you run into while connecting or fixing errors on those existing profiles might count towards the Sourcerers or Data Doctors Challenges.

6. Here is the Tracker for February 2024.

WikiTree profile: Space:Connectors_Challenge
closed with the note: This month's challenge is closed.
in The Tree House by Melissa Maynard G2G6 Mach 4 (43.7k points)
closed by Melissa Maynard

94 Answers

+20 votes
I'm participating.
by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
Thank you for joining!   I've got you added!
  1. Connected Harold Wilbur Buch Jr. to Jacob R. Buch by creating 5 new profiles.
  2. Connected Lemon Buch to Samuel Buch by connecting him to his father already on WikiTree.

+21 votes
I will participate (need to remember to use challenge tracker).
by S Stevenson G2G6 Pilot (256k points)
Thank you for joining!   I've got you added!
+22 votes
I will try and help out
by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (406k points)
Awesome!  Yaaay!   I've got you added!
Thank Melissa!
I forgot to use the tracker. I started with Samuel McDowell-6543 and his wife Joanna Pearson-17187. I was able to improve the biography of Joanna’s sister Ida Pearson-17323, then added her son John Coulter-4323 and his wife Flossie Sova-179, who was the daughter of the existing Lundy Sova-66. This ended up connecting many people to the main tree.
+21 votes
Count me in!
by Morgana Patrocinio Costa G2G6 Mach 2 (23.0k points)
Thank you Morgana!  Got you added!
+19 votes
I'll try to get some connections made!
by David Carlson G2G6 Pilot (383k points)
Great!   Got you added!
Linked unconnected Mary Elizabeth Howe-7452 to her already connected brother James Howe-7409.
+21 votes
I will participate!
by Judith Fry G2G6 Mach 8 (87.5k points)
Thank you Judith!  I've got you added!
+21 votes
I would like to participate this Feb.
by NG Hill G2G6 Mach 8 (88.6k points)
Thank you NG!  Got you added!  Appreciate the help.
+21 votes
Sign me up, please :D
by Ambar Díaz G2G6 Mach 3 (37.2k points)
Awesome fun.  Got you added!
+21 votes
Participating for this February challenge.
by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (461k points)
Great - Thank you!  Got you added.  Give Snowflake a scritch for me.
+21 votes

I'm in for February.

Edited to add:

1. Connected Evelyn Baebler to her second husband Werner Pulver which connects her to the big tree.

2. Connected Gilbert Ahles to his (unconnected) parents, added a sibling and connected her to her husband, Albert Kirschling, who was on the big tree.

by Beverly Diaz G2G6 Mach 4 (42.1k points)
edited by Beverly Diaz
Great!  Got you added!
+19 votes
Please include me in Feb participants list & thanks
by N Gauthier G2G6 Pilot (300k points)
No problem.  I've got you added!
+19 votes
Let's DO THIS Melissa!! I don't know how many I can get but I'll give it the ol college try.
by Erin Robertson G2G6 Pilot (164k points)
Got you added!  Glad you are here!
+19 votes
Please sign me up for February. Thanks!
by Susan Anderson G2G6 Pilot (124k points)
Awesome!  Got you added!
+19 votes

I am definitely participating in this one. Count me in!

by Living Brunson G2G6 Pilot (104k points)
You are in!  Thanks for joining!
+20 votes
Count me in also!
by Joy Beer G2G6 Mach 2 (23.8k points)
Sweet!  You are in the challenge!
Thank you and thank you for leading it, Melissa!
+18 votes
Please add me for February!
by JoAnn Brown G2G6 Mach 2 (23.9k points)
I've just added you JoAnn!   Thank you for joining!

The tracker is not working for me right now so I’m posting this here: 

Connected Guinn-181 to brother Guinn-657 by creating their father Guinn-1349

Appreciate you advising us about the tracker.  I believe Wiki+ is having some issues right now.

The tracker is working fine now. yes

Yesterday I connected Shropshire-452 to parents Shropshire-149 and Pollard-2046.
+18 votes

I'll be here the second week of Feb 2024, and on. 

by Sherry Bartlett G2G6 Mach 4 (48.4k points)
No problem.  I've added you.  Thank you for joining!
+17 votes

I will try to connect at least one of my unconnected people in February!

  1. 1. Connected [[Adam-3537|Hilda Anna (Adam) Kring (1921-2002)]] to her father https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Adam-3553 who was already connected.
  2. Connected https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Bogue-332 to her grandfather https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Bundy-423 who was already connected.
  3. I wasn't even trying for it, but I found a father for a branch I was working on. Formerly unconnected Smoke-40 is now connected to his son [[Smoke-151|Jacob Smoke (1844-1940)]].

by Katherine Chapman G2G6 Mach 7 (74.3k points)
edited by Katherine Chapman
Great Katherine!   Thank you for joining!
+19 votes
I'll be connecting during February, so please add my name to the list of participants, thank you.
by Carol Keeling G2G6 Mach 8 (83.5k points)
I've added you!  Thank you for joining!
+18 votes
Count me in! I have a long list of orphan profiles that I need to work on.
by Geoff Oosterhoudt G2G6 Mach 1 (19.3k points)
Yay!  Thank you for joining!

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