Is there a way to set watchlist display density to compact by default?

+4 votes
Every day, I go to my Watchlist. And every day, I reset the display density to the compact setting. I don't like the more spread out setting. Is there a way to make compact the default? I've checked Settings but no joy there.

Edit: sorry, didn't see a match to this question. But I don't see an answer either, so I'm asking again. I use Firefox, and I have it set to delete cookies when I close the browser. I have set as an exception so I can stay logged in. Is there another URL I should so that the Watchlist display density setting will persist as well?
in WikiTree Help by Véronique Boulanger G2G6 (9.6k points)
edited by Véronique Boulanger

1 Answer

+3 votes
Have you tried adding
by Ian Beacall G2G6 Pilot (320k points)
That URL is on my exception list, which is why I can stay logged in. I just left off the "www" above.
And have you now added it with the www? (Oh, sorry... You mean you just didn't write www in your question?)
As I wrote, the exception in Firefox already had and has the www. I just didn't write it in my question.
Ah! Sorry.  I see now that it's a session cookie.  Do you use the WikiTree Browser Extension?  I could add something to that so that the cookie persists across sessions.
I don't use the Browser Extension, but maybe I should. I keep reading about it. I use the Sourcer, but I imagine there are ways I could work smarter rather than harder.
Well, I've added this to WBE (as an option in the Table Filters and Sorting feature).  It will be in the next monthly update.  (It's already in the Preview version.)

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