How to get One Name Study to display additional text on the badge? [closed]

+2 votes

I've asked this question already so I apologize in advance for what may appear to be a duplicate question, but I didn't achieve my goal so I'm re-asking a little differently with an explanation.  I want to use the One Name Study of the Parker surname to assist with everyone's research.  Parker is a common surname with not less than hundreds of thousands of potential profiles so organization is key.  It is also key that profiles in that category clearly identify how they relate to the study in the profiles themselves so their researches don't need to click through to figure out the organization.

The badge uses "category" to organize the profiles.  For Parkers the specific category is the Y-DNA family group.  Ideally this would be displayable on the badge in each profile, but I presume from the response to the prior question that there is no way to do that.  I'd like to ask that either badges allow the optional display of the category text or else provide a change to the One Name Study badges that allows inclusion of optional display text.

Large study groups like Smith and Parker become meaningless unless the profiles they contain can be organized and their researchers can easily identify their relationship to the study group.

The original question was:

I'm adding One Name Project badges with a "category", but the category text isn't displayed on the badge, making them less useful.  Example,

{{One Name Study| name = Parker| category = Family Group 5, Parker Name Study}}

I really need the text "Family Group 5" to display on the badge.

in WikiTree Tech by Tom Hintz G2G2 (2.8k points)
closed by Tom Hintz
I agree this is something that would be great to have.

1 Answer

+4 votes
As far as I know (and you have already been told) you just *can't* have extra text on the ONS sticker.  You can't.  So put "Family Group 5" as a link directly underneath the sticker.  Link it to the Family Group 5, Parker Name Study category.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)

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