New Succession Boxes are not showing properly.

+7 votes

When I place the new succession box template on a profile, the predecessor and successor entries look like this:

[[Dickinson-3215|John Dickinson]]

...but without the link. What should show is simply the individual's name.

This is with a direct cut and paste from the sample on the Template:Succession page, with zero modifications on my part. 


in WikiTree Tech by David Randall G2G6 Pilot (369k points)

3 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
Thanks for finding that David, and for identifying the issue Margaret.

The Template 'Examples' had a broken display that forced a hard return after the pipe in an internal link. When copied/pasted would make the template not work correctly.

I have switched this to an HTML entity code to help alleviate this issue.
by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (761k points)
selected by Susan Laursen
That was A cool idea. I was thinking how to overcome this problem in template examples, but it is a problem since we use pipe in the example table, template parameters and in the parameter for a link. I have to remember it for other cases like this. I can actually search for them in WT+.
+10 votes
David, I tried it and got the same result, but looking at the template page, the link codes are are on 2 lines, maybe with an enter between the 2 parts, When I delete and bring them on one line, it works.


|position1=6th President of Pennsylvania

|before1=[[Dickinson-3215|John Dickinson]]

|after1=[[Mifflin-19|Thomas Mifflin]]


Instead of:


|John Dickinson]]

which is how it is on the template page.
by Margaret Haining G2G6 Pilot (151k points)
Thanks Margaret. That did the trick.
+5 votes

I have a different problem. On profiles where the person's language was something other than English, the old succession box allowed us to put in lines like:

| preceded-text = Prédécesseur


| succeeded-text = Successeur

so that the succession box would display correctly in that person's language. (For examples, see Charles de Gaulle and Ulric-Joseph Tessier.)

I tried adding:

| preceded-text1 = Prédécesseur


| succeeded-text1 = Successeur

but that didn't change the headers, so then I tried adding:

| preceded-text = Prédécesseur


| succeeded-text = Successeur

and that didn't work, either.

Is it possible to tweak the new Succession template, either to allow for option preceded-text and succeeded-text entries, or maybe to allow a language parameter?

by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (697k points)

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