GEDCOM cleanup using ACG, multiple ACG's or none

+6 votes
I have been practicing with the ACG tool on GEDCOM CleanUps & I have found something odd. I have 1 ACG (EXT? APP?) in my Browser AddOns, but when getting into the profiles I'm finding that either the profile shows 2 ACG buttons or none at all. Why?

I might add that I have 2 lines of buttons over that input field on all profiles with only "WikiTable Wizard" being added to the Biography button on the top row; everything else is the same.

Alston-202 shows no ACG button & 2 Rows of buttons, while Brice-113 shows 2 ACG buttons & 2 rows of buttons.

WT won't let me put 2 profiles down, but, Brice-113 is an example of 2 ACG buttons.
WikiTree profile: Elizabeth Crawford
in Genealogy Help by Living Brunson G2G6 Pilot (104k points)
AGC (not ACG) = Automatic Gedcom Cleanup

1 Answer

+9 votes
Best answer

It sounds as if you might have more than one browser extension installed. You want just the WikiTree Browser Extension (WBE).  Make sure that you have the AGC feature enabled in WBE. There was a separate AGC extension; you should remove that. 

The AGC button will only appear if the profile might have old GEDCOM content to be cleaned. Always be sure to review the AGC changes to ensure that they are correct.

by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (612k points)
selected by Living Brunson
Thank you for your help & understanding what I was saying despite me writing the wrong thing; I have dyslexia at times & transpose numbers & letters.

Not sure why I have 2 unless it had something to do with changing computers & something not showing up in the list so I installed another 1.

As for the "old GEDCOM" designation, I was working on cleaning up GEDCOMs from the "Needs GEDCOM Cleanup" list & was working states throughout the South. All of the profiles had the [[Category:Needs GEDCOM Cleanup]] identifier & yes, they all had old GEDCOMS that needed done, but there was no button to make that happen on some of them. Why?

They are 1700's & 1800's Profiles. I could understand the 1700's ones if you can only make changes if you are self-certified for the 1700's profile, which I am not, but what about the 1800's ones?

Why you have two buttons:

There was a separate AGC extension called WikiTree AGC. This has been retired and replaced by WikiTree Browser Extension, which includes the AGC feature. You want to keep WikiTree Browser Extension.

Go into your browser and click on the little puzzle piece for extensions. Then click Manage Extensions. There is a box for WikiTree AGC. Click Remove in that box.

Why you have no button on some profiles:

The AGC is looking for certain things in the profile that tell it was a GEDCOM created profile. The phrase "created through the import of" is one example. So it is possible that someone has removed the phrase and that is why you don't see the AGC button. You can still cleanup the profile "by hand".

Thank you very much for all your help, I really appreciate it. The 2 button issue has been resolved & I wish the GEDCOM cleanup could have been answered as easily as opposed to "doing it by hand", but we work with what we have.

Thanks again.

Sometimes it will come across an unexpected line or source, if someone has edited it. What I do in that case is copy and delete the addition and then run the AGC, and paste the source back.

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