Have any DNA-confirmed ancestral lines been established between descendants of Magna Carta Surety Barons?

+7 votes

Is there an example of an ancestral line which is confirmed with DNA to a “Descendant of a Magna Carta Surety Baron, Magna Carta Gateway Ancestor”? For example at 


Anne and Charles are the children of Katherine and they are all descendants of a Magna Carta Surety Baron.  In the example I’m looking for, Bobby’s parent child relationships would be properly DNA confirmed back to Anne and Peter’s would be properly DNA confirmed back to Charles.

Thanks in advance.

in The Tree House by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (719k points)

2 Answers

+8 votes
Confirmation with autosomal DNA would be problematic.

In the example, there are numerous relationships with unknown confidence.

Members of the current royalty should have higher confidence levels, but they are typically adverse to sharing DNA test results.  There are situations where DNA testing have exposed faults in genealogical claims by some nobility.
by Andrew Ross G2G6 Mach 3 (37.1k points)

Hello Andrew,

Thank you for your answer.  

Charles Barham in the example I gave had two sons (Robert and Charles {Jr}).  Let's assume each of those sons had a son each generation to the present day.  Now also assume a there is Y-DNA tested male Barham who descends from Robert and there is a Y-DNA tested male Barham who descends from Charles Jr. and they match on 35 out of 37 markers.  Then those two lines could be confirmed with DNA back to Charles Sr. (who is a Descendant of a Magna Carta Surety Baron).

I'm looking for some other example since there are many surname DNA projects and I expect a few of them have a patriarch who is a Magna Carta descendant.

Come to think of it, this line is confirmed with DNA (using mtDNA) back to nobility https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Special:Relationship&action=calculate&person1_name=York-1245&person2_name=Whitehorn-38&relationshipLimit=maternal

However after GDPR, Gabrielle's mtDNA tested daughter (Wendy Duldig) became unlisted because she is not a WikiTree member.  Her name and genealogy is published at https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms6631/figures/1

+10 votes
Confirmation with autosomal DNA would not be problematic, it would be absolutely impossible to confirm any particular 13th century line of descent with autosomal DNA. That’s far too old to identify shared segments as identical by descent. Ethnically close people will share a large proportion of their ancestors that far back. In particular, pretty much anyone with a high proportion of English ancestry is almost guaranteed be a descendant of probably several surety barons. The difficulty is in proving a particular line of descent with good documentation.

So there is no way to conclude which ancestor a “triangulated” segment came from in the 13th century much less what line it came from (as there are likely many lines to ancestors from that age).

At best if multiple men had documented direct male line pedigrees to a surety baron they could establish that baron’s Y DNA haplogroup and provide that pedigree with a high degree of plausibility. Descent any other way DNA is not likely to be very directly helpful.
by Nathan Kennedy G2G6 Mach 4 (40.1k points)
I also believe it is possible to triangulate using (atDNA or X-DNA) to connect to a Y-DNA confirmed patrilineal line or mtDNA confirmed matrilineal line which includes a Magna Carta descendant.  

My assumption about WikiTree’s Magna Carta descendants is that their ancestry is sufficiently sourced.

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