The Truth About FindAGrave - Genealogy with Amy Johnson Crow

+23 votes

FindAGrave can be a great resource for genealogy, or it can completely mess up your family tree. Here's what you need to know about how FindAGrave actually works.

in The Tree House by Rich Moss G2G6 Mach 6 (69.1k points)

Good video very informative  yes

I learned at least one new thing, so +1!
Thanks for sharing, Rich!
No problem Amy, you are always on point with your videos


3 Answers

+16 votes

Rich, sorry you got a down for just posting the exact wording that appears on the YouTube Video.  That being said:

 Amy Crow is a WikiTree member!

I'm giving you an up vote!wink

Why would anyone down vote this?  Amy is correct and in this video is being very informative to new ones getting into genealogy!

She is my 19th cousin three times removed

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
9th cousin to me.
Thanks David. Amy is indeed very knowledgeable and just put out this video so thought I would share it. It is a great video for new members especially and a reminder to more experienced. I see many profiles using FindaGrave as a definitive source when it should be a guide only for further research. I certainly learnt something from it.

Rich, I am assuming you mean you have seen citations of memorials that don't meet the Wikitree standards for using Find A Grave as a source?

The information on the Find A Grave Memorial with a Headstone Image Can be used as a source under certain conditions, discussed here on the Wikitree help page for Find A Grave, good read which I highly recommend  - Find A Grave 

+11 votes

What a great video Amy! This is so helpful for people just starting out in genealogy or who are not that familiar with Find A Grave and how errors in their entries can occur. It should be included on our Help Page about Find A Grave!

Gave you my upvote! Would give you 10 if I could!laugh

by Lorraine Nagle G2G6 Pilot (214k points)
+6 votes
Amy's video has a lot of great points about FindAGrave. Reminding us all about the best ways to make use of this type of site.
by Marty Franke G2G6 Pilot (798k points)

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