May I receive a copy of the Adams book in pdf that your referenced?

+1 vote
I have done some research but need to get more into the details of whether I have lineage to John Adams who came to the country on the Fortune. It looks like you have some Adams research that would be of help.
in Genealogy Help by Carol Setter G2G Rookie (160 points)
Carol, I do not know if you were trying to reach me when you posted to G2G.

The John Adams who arrived on the ship Fortune is an ancestor of my husband.

I suggest you go to John Adams profile and find the "descendants" button on the first page. Clicking on that will give you a long list of his descendants.  From that list, you may find what you are looking for.

Also on that profile you should find links and/or references to the sources that were used.

1 Answer

+4 votes
Carol, you posted this question in the WikiTree forum, which is called G2G (for genealogist to genealogist).  We don't know who you're addressing when you say "you" and the person may not ever see this question.  Please go to the person's profile, where you'll find a link to send him/her a private message.
by Gaile Connolly G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)

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