Orrok of Orrok in the 17th century

+4 votes

I am looking for the origins of Margaret Orrok, wife of Robert Ged of Baldridge, Dunfermline, married about 1670. 

Alexander Orrok of Orrok [Orrock near Burntisland, Fife] was witness to the baptism of Margaret's son James Ged in 1672 - witnesses for the baptisms of their other children tended to be grandfathers, uncles, and Dunfermline notables. So, I think it likely that Margaret was closely connected to Orrok of that ilk: chronologically she is most likely a daughter of Alexander by his wife Elizabeth Wemyss, or possibly a niece. Unfortunately, the Burntisland parish records for this period are not available.

Alexander's descent is problematic though. Published charters and archive catalogues show a straightforward descent for many generations of Orrok of Orrok:

1474: David Orok, son and apparent heir of William Orok of that ilk

1504: James Orok, as son and heir of the deceased David Orok has sasine of the lands of Orrock

1527: Robert Orrok, son and heir of deceased James Orrok of that ilk [he has a daughter Margaret]

1547: John Orrok of that Ilk, brother-german of Robert O., sometime of that Ilk [killed at Battle of Pinkie]

1548: William Orrok as brother german and heir of deceased Robert Orrok of that ilk

1572: Henry Orroke, son and heir of deceased William Orroke of that ilk

At this point the line of succession get blurrier:

1611: Charter by Robert Orrok, fiar of that ilk, Elizabeth Boiswell, his spouse [daughter of John Boswell of Balmuto], John Orrok, his son and apparent heir, and Henry Orrok of that ilk, father of said Robert

1627: Alexander Orrok of that Ilk and daughter Elizabeth, married to Robert Richardson

1630:  Alexander Orrok, fiar of that Ilk, his eldest daughter Margaret Orrok and her spouse James Lundy

1634: Discharge by John Orok [Orrock] to David Boswall [Boswell], fiar of Balmouto [Balmuto], on behalf of James and David Boswall, his uncles. Note John is not designated at John Orrok of that ilk - which suggests that despite the Boswell connection he may not be the John Orrok referred to in the 1611 charter?

1639: Testament testamentar of Alexander Orrok the elder of that Ilk, parish of Burntisland

1640: Testament testamentar of Alexander Orrok of that Ilk, parish of Burntisland

1682: Testament testamentar of Alexander Orrok of that Ilk, parish of Burntisland

1686: Testament dative of Alexander Orrok younger of that Ilk, parish of Burntisland

There appear to be four Alexanders in sequence, presumably fathers and sons. The first Alexander, found in 1627, fits chronologically best as a younger son of Henry.

WikiTree profile: Margaret Orrok
in Genealogy Help by Suzanne Doig G2G6 Mach 3 (39.5k points)

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